European Union and Transnational Corporations Trading Corporate Profits for Peoples’ Rights

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Extensive documentation of the operations of the European transnational corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean and their systematic abuses of human rights is brought to the attention of European policy makers in the European Parliament Hearing held in Brussels on November 18, 2009.

About european union and transnational corporations

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This briefing aims to open a new public debate on the operations of European TNCs and introduces :

    •    key issues of violations of peoples’ rights in the TNC cases presented to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal

    •    an analysis of the architecture of impunity in which TNCs operate in LAC and in Europe and the role of EU policy mechanisms and instruments in this as well as the role of LAC governments

    •    proposals for an alternative regulatory framework for TNCs which goes beyond voluntary mechanisms and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Pages: 16