The emotion and the truth Studies in mass communication and conflict

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This is a book about modern wars in fragile states, one of the most important issues in the international system, and how the media, the academic and non-governmental organisations understand, act towards, interact among them and provide knowledge about their armed conflicts.
Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

About the emotion and the truth

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This is the second volume of a series on Conflict and the Media, based on the presentations and debates that took place in the framework of international seminars.

The current volume gathers the communications presented by academics, journalists and representatives of NGOs meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (19-22 April 2001) improve ways of understanding modern wars in order to cooperate among the three sectors (academia, journalism and NGOs), and to explore means of collaboration in the international community and in the democratic industrial societies to find ways for peace and just development in the affected societies.

The seminar was organised by the Peace Group of HumanitarianNet (Thematic Network on Humanitarian Development Studies). For the preparation of both, the seminar and the book, TNI and the Peace Research Center (CIP) of the Fundación Hogar del Empleado, Madrid, played a very important role.

The second volume Before Emergency was published in December 2003.