
TNI has a proud history of being at the cutting edge of analysis, research and activism on critical global issues. Here you can navigate our publications in chronological order, including: policy briefs, issue briefs, papers, reports, primers, working papers, and books.

  1. Protecting Profits over People

    Just Investments
    Report by
    • Kevin Woods
    • Daniel Aguirre
    Publication date:
  2. Beyond the BRICS' Rhetoric: An Inquiry on South-South Land grabbing

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    • Just Investments
    Report by
    Tomaso Ferrando
    Publication date:
  3. Trading away Democracy How CETA’s Investor Protection Rules threaten the Public Good in Canada and the EU

    • Free Trade Agreements
    • Bilateral Investment Treaties
    • Investment Protection
    • CETA
    Policy briefing by
    • Pia Eberhardt
    • Blair Redlin
    • Cecile Toubeau
    Publication date:
  4. Here to stay: Water remunicipalisation as a global trend

    • Water Justice
    • Democratic Public Services
    • Remunicipalisation
    Report by
    • Satoko Kishimoto
    • Emanuele Lobina
    • Olivier Petitjean
    Publication date:
  5. The case of Newmont Mining vs Indonesia Netherlands – Indonesia BIT rolls back implementation of new Indonesian mining law

    • Bilateral Investment Treaties
    • Trade
    • Just Investments
    Policy briefing by
    • Hilde van der Pas
    • Riza Damanik
    Publication date:
  6. Big Corporations, the Bali Package and Beyond Deepening TNCs gains from the WTO

    Stop Corporate Impunity
    Report by
    Mary Louise F. Malig
    Publication date:
  7. Expert Dialogue on Cannabis Regulation Models

    • Drugs Regulation
    • Drug Law Reform
    • Cannabis
    Publication date:
  8. Pro-Business or Pro-Poor? Making Sense of recently unveiled Draft National Land Use Policy

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Land Policy in Myanmar
    Publication date:
  9. Five sites of struggle and potential transformation US' land and food nexus

    • Land Sovereignty
    • Food Sovereignty
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    Report by
    • Zoe Brent
    • Tanya Kerssen
    Publication date:
  10. The Global Water Grab: A Primer

    • Water Justice
    • Land and Water Grabbing
    Primer by
    • Jennifer Franco
    • Satoko Kishimoto
    • Sylvia Kay
    • Timothé Feodoroff
    • Gloria Pracucci
    Publication date: