1974: TNI Chile Conference


TNI's first conference "The Lessons from Chile". Around 50 people participate. The conference received a lot of media coverage. Through the conference the institute played a significant part in formulating the political response to the fascist coup d'etat, and established itself as a serious presence among radicals in Europe. Participants include Jacques Chonchol, former Minister of Agriculture under Allende; David Baytelman, former head of the land reform programme; Claude Bourdet of Combat and Le Nouvel Observateur; Ralph Miliband of the University of Leeds; André Gunder Frank from the Free University of Berlin; Herbert Marcuse; Johan Galtung of the Institute of Conflict and Peace Research Oslo; as well as former US senator Eugene McCarthy.

List of Participants - Chile Conference

André Acquier - Confederation Francaise
Eqbal Ahmad - Director of the Transnational Institute
Hamza Alavi - Department of Politics, University of Leeds
Gonzalo Arroyo - Author of 'Le Coup d'Etat au Chili'
Richard J. Barnet - Co-Director, Institute for Policy Studies
Godfried van den Bergh - Institute for Social Studies, The Hague
Luciana Castellini - Il Manifesto, Rome (Observer)
Johan Galtung - Director, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo
Juan E. Garcés - Former political adviser to President Allende
Susan George - Transnational Institute, conference organiser
John Gittings - Fellow, Transnational Institute
Richard Gott - Editor, Penguin Latin America series
Andre Gunder Frank - Author of 'Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America'
Bernard Jaumont - Political Bureau, Parti Socialiste Unifié
Claude Julien - Editor, Le Monde diplomatique
André van der Louw - Chairman, Dutch Labour Party
Ruy Mauro Marini - Formerly Centro de Estudios Socioeconomicos, Santiago
Armand and Michèle Mattelart - Formerly Ediciones Quimantú, Santiago
Ralph Miliband - Co-editor, The Socialist Register
Jorge McGinty - Chilean Socialist Party
Didier Motchane - Secrétaire National, Parti Socialiste Francais
Maurice Najman - Alliance Marxiste Revolutionnaire, France
Sergio Ramos - Economic adviser to Unidad Popular
Armando Uribe - Former Chilean ambassador to People's Republic of China