Topic category
Future is Public
Why are people around the world reclaiming essential services from private operators and bringing their delivery back into the public sphere? There are many motivations behind (re)municipalisation initiatives: a goal to end private sector abuse or labour violations; a desire to regain control over the local economy and resources; a wish to provide people with affordable services; or an intention to implement ambitious climate strategies.
Rivers of resistance Water for life, not profit
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The Future is Public Towards Democratic Ownership of Public Services
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Reclaiming Public Services How cities and citizens are turning back privatisation
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Our Public Water Future : The global experience with remunicipalisation
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Key documents
The Future is Public Towards Democratic Ownership of Public Services
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Reclaiming Public Services How cities and citizens are turning back privatisation
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Our Public Water Future The global experience with remunicipalisation
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Remunicipalisation Putting Water Back into Public Hands
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