TNI in 1977

TNI/CIS report on the uprising in BLACK SOUTH AFRICA EXPLODES is the only detailed account of events in South Africa since the uprising, which began, June 1976, in Soweto.




Robert Borosage appointed Director of IPS.

TNI receives NGO status from the United Nations. TNI is one of seven institutes hailed as a model in a major address by Dutch Minister for Development Cooperation Jan Pronk.


17 January


TNI seminar at IPS with Lloyd Best, Secretary of the Tapia House Movement in Trinidad on Power and Politics in Trinidad & Tobago.


22 January


In a public event, the TNI/CIS report on the uprising in BLACK SOUTH AFRICA EXPLODES is released and a related TNI activity in the UN organised. It is the only detailed account of events in South Africa since the uprising, which began, June 1976, in Soweto. The Observer reviews the arms trade mentioned in the report on its front page. The timing of the release in Europe coincides with the trade union boycott of South Africa.
In this respect the idea starts to establish a dialogue between progressive Africa and Europe. Basil Davidson advises on the level at which such a dialogue should begin.


26 January


TNI seminar at IPS with Lloyd Best on Caribbean Integration Approaches.


24-26 February


Fellows' Meeting in London.


26 February


A conference is held at TNI bringing together social historians from several Dutch universities.




TNI Special Report 'US Arms Deliveries to South Africa: The Italian Connection' by Michael Klare.

'The Southern Connection: Recommendations for a New Approach to Inter-American Relations' by the Ad Hoc Working Group on Latin America, coordinated by Roberta Salper, from IPS. Report published in the name of TNI in first issue of CIDE-magazine in April 1977.


5 March


A seminar with Nawal al Sadawi on 'Women in Arabic Societies'.




TNI Reprints is published: The Letelier/Moffitt Murder - This is How it was Done By Saul Landau and Ralph Stavins, originally published in The Nation.


Early May


Several IPS fellows and faculty decide to leave IPS and establish a new institute, called the Public Resource Centre in Washington DC. The two TNI members involved in the new centre are Len Rodberg, who coordinated the Health project at TNI, and Jim Ridgeway, editor of the Elements. The new institute gets the copyright of the Elements.


3 June


Philip Agee arrives at TNI. He and his family stay in the TNI building untill proper housing is found.


15 August


TNI seminar at IPS with Joshua Nkomo (leader of ZAPU, Zimbabwe's Patriotic Front) on the situation in Zimbabwe.


31 August


TNI seminar at IPS with Kenrick Rabix (senator and co-chair of the New Jewel Movement: Grenada's opposition party) on the Chile-Grenada Connection.




In the TNI PAMPHLET SERIES 3 books are published: 'The International Economic Order', by Michael Moffitt and Orlando Letelier; 'The Crisis of the Corporation', by Richard Barnet; 'The New Gnomes - Multinational Banks in the Third World', by Howard Wachtel.


31 August


TNI seminar at IPS with Kenrick Rabix (senator and co-chair of the New Jewel Movement: Grenada's opposition party) on the Chile-Grenada Connection.


2 September


TNI seminar at IPS with Russel Means, leader of the American Indian Movement.


7 September


Agee receives a 3-month residence permit for the Netherlands.


19 September


The Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Fund for Human Rights is established and the Letelier-Moffitt Awards become an annual convocation of human rights activists in Washington, DC.

ISABEL LETELIER and MICHAEL MOFFITT present a copy of TNI Pamphlet 5 to Senator EDWARD KENNEDY at the Awards Ceremony


21 September


Memorial meeting for Letelier and Karpen Moffitt at KIT, Amsterdam, organised by TNI, Salvador Allende Centre, Chilean Socialist Party and Dutch Chile Committee. Minister Pronk, Relus ter Beek, ANDRÉ Van der Louw en Jorge Arrate as speakers.


29 September


TNI Seminar at IPS with Dr Israel Shahak, Chairman of the Israeli League for Civil and Human Rights.




First issue of TNI Communications (bimonthly bulletin).


14 October


TNI starts a working group on Southern Africa, headed by Basker Vashee. The group meets once a week.




Judy Weiss is in Amsterdam as an intern and also assists Basker Vashee. Also Hanneke van Eldik-Thieme joins the Amsterdam Center staff.


7-10 November


Fellows' Meeting on Imperialism & Socialism.


1 December


Agee's residence permit is not extended. He moves to Germany with his wife, whom he married during his stay in Amsterdam.


7 December


TNI seminar at IPS, with Frank B. Shaffer-Corona (writer and member of the DC board of Education) on 'Latin Perspectives on Immigration'.


8 December


Luncheon seminar at IPS with José Ramos Horta (UN representative), 'East Timor - The Unknown War'.


21 December


Lecture by Ernst Utrecht on 'The Political Economy of South-East Asia (ASEAN countries)'.