TNI in 1978

International conference on 'Transnational Corporations held in Amsterdam becomes founding Conference of Transnational Information Exchange (TIE).


19 January


TNI seminar at IPS with David Mandel (New Outlook) on Israel and the Middle East.


1 February


TNI seminar at IPS with Robert C. Aldridge and Fred Kaplan on 'America's First-Strike Nuclear Arsenal and the Mythology of the Soviet Threat'.


9 February


TNI seminar at IPS with Anthony Barnett on 'Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy'.


16 February


TNI seminar at IPS with General Leonidas Rodriguez (former commander of the 2nd military region in Peru and leader of the Peruvian Revolutionary Socialist Party) on the current political situation in Peru.


21 February


TNI seminar at IPS with Basker Vashee on the latest news from the Patriotic Front of Zimbabwe.


24 February



TNI seminar at IPS with Ahmed Mestiri on the political and economic development in Tunesia.




TNI publishes Robert Aldridge's The Counterforce Syndrome in its Pamphlet Series.


2 March


TNI Seminar at IPS with Susan George on 'The Political Economy of Starvation'.


16 March


TNI Latin America Roundtable discussion at IPS with Xavier Gorostiaga (economic advisor of General Torijos and founder of Centre for the Study of Social and Economic Problems in Panama) on 'Implications of the Canal Treaty on Panama's Development'.


21 March


TNI seminar at IPS with David Caploe on 'Making Sense of the Muddle in the Middle East'.


22 March


TNI seminar at IPS with Susan Buck-Morss (TNI Fellow) on 'The Current State of Theory and Practice Among the European Left'.


24 March


TNI seminar at IPS with Alan Wolfe (University of California) on 'The Impasse of the Democratic Party'.


April 1978


Isabel Letelier and Michael Moffitt publish "Human Rights, Economic Aid and Private Banks. The Case of Chile", a report submitted to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, UN Commission on Human Rights.


19 April


Teodor Shanin, University of Manchester, gives a seminar at TNI on 'Defining Peasants: Conceptualisations and Deconceptualisations'.
There is also a TNI Latin America Roundtable discussion at IPS with William D. Rogers, former Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America, on President Carter's trip to Latin America.


3 May


A TNI seminar at IPS on the 'Revolutionary Cinema in Cuba', with the first delegation of Cuban filmmakers to the USA since the revolution began in 1959. The delegation includes: Santiago Alvarez (documentary filmmaker), Alina Sanchez Rodriguez (actress), Mayra Vilasis Rodon (film writer and critic). Films that are shown include: 'Spear of the Nation' and 'Angola, Victory of Hope'.


6-7 May


Anti-nuclear groups, international workshop at TNI.


9 May


Film Premiere in Washington of "The CIA Case Officer", produced by Ralph Stavins and directed by Saul Landau.


9-12 May


International conference on 'Transnational Corporations'. Representatives of 30 NGOs meet at the Amsterdam Center to examine the scope and extent of anti-corporate activity in Western Europe. This is the founding Conference of Transnational Information Exchange (TIE) at the TNI centre. Funder is the World Council of Churches and TIE is established at this meeting where representatives of over 30 organisations and movements met. TIE links representatives from trade unions, churches, liberation movements, members of parliaments, and universities to study the global transformation of production and consumption and to hold corporations more accountable. Publication of TIE Bulletin starts.


27 May


Article by John T. Alves (from TNI) on 'Het Chileense Watergate' (The Chilean Watergate) in: HP (Haagse Post).


15 June


Seminar on 'Imperialism - New Theory, Giovanni Arrighi'.


1 July


Marcia Grandon starts to work at TNI's administration.


29 August-1 September


Fellows' Meeting.


19 September


Press conference at TNI to release to the press the official indictments against eight conspirators in the assassinations of Letelier-Moffitt. Present: Political Secretary of the Chilean Socialist Party in Holland, Mr. Rodrigo Araya.

TNI publishes They Educated the Crows An Institute Report on the Letelier-Moffitt Murders, written by Saul Landau.


21 September


Meeting "Letelier Challenges Pinochet from the Grave", Friends House, London. Sponsored by: Race & Class, TNI, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Chile Committee on Human Rights, and Chile Solidarity Campaign. With speakers and films on "The Investigation into the Assassination Conspiracy" and "Multi-national Banks and Repression in Chile".

Letelier-Moffitt Memorial in Sonesta Hotel, Amsterdam. Speech by Carlos Lazo, International Secretary of the Chilean Socialist Party, living in Paris.


21 September


2nd Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Human Rights, Howard University, Washington DC. Awards go to Reverend Benjamin Chavis (black civil rights advocate, convicted and in jail) and Samuel Rubin.