TNI in 1985

TNI organises tour throughout Europe with COMadres, a group of Salvadoran women of the Committee of Mothers and relatives of political prisoners, disappeared and murdered of El Salvador.




Tour throughout Europe with COMadres, a group of Salvadoran women of the Committee of Mothers and relatives of political prisoners, disappeared and murdered of El Salvador. This group had received the first Human Rights Award of the Robert Kennedy Foundation in 1984. The tour stopped in Rome, Athens, Paris, London, Madrid, Stockholm, Bonn and Amsterdam. The third world women project of TNI coordinates the event (Ellen Diederich and Donna Rich).


25-28 April


Fellows' Meeting, the World Economy group starts earlier.




Vice-President Sergio Ramirez of Nicaragua visits The Netherlands for a couple of days. He is looking for support from west European countries after the US embargo. TNI organises meetings with him and Joop den Uyl, then president of the Federation of Socialist Parties.


10-13 May


Images conference. 25 women from fifteen different countries meet at TNI to discuss racist and sexist images of women. Coordinated by Wendy Chapkis and Martha McDevitt in Amsterdam and Jill Gay in Washington.


19 May


Samuel Rubin Seminar lecture by Salman Rushdie on 'Religion and politics' in the frame of 'Another window on the world' (available on video and as text).


18 June


Samuel Rubin Seminar lecture by Ariel Dorfman on 'Finding a way home - an exile's perspective on the current crisis' in the frame of 'Another window on the world' (available as text).




Search for a new director for TNI - Ariane van Buren is the only candidate.


4-6 October


'Philippine Crisis: The European Response', Conference on the social, political and economic crisis in the Philippines. Participants were European politicians and parliamentarians. Contributions were made by Bishop Labayan and - later TNI Fellow- Joel Rocamora.


11-13 October


Conference at TNI on "East-West Relations and Europe". Contributions by Anders Boserup, "Ends and Means of Non-offensive Defence", Richard Falk, "Reflections on East-West Relations", Andrzej Karkoszka, "Common Security in Europe. The Role of Nuclear Weapons Free Zones", Miroslav Pecujlic, "The Other Europe", Christiane Rix, "New Detente and the Security of Both Germanies", Prof. Laszlo Valki, "A Flexible Response to Alternative Security".


20 October


Samuel Rubin Seminar lecture by Juan Goytisolo in the frame of 'Another window on the world'.


30 October - 3 November


Fellows' Meeting.




'Of Common Cloth: Women in the Global Textile Industry' by Wendy Chapkis is published.


8 December


Samuel Rubin Seminar lecture by English play writer James Saunders on 'On being your neighbour's neighbour' in the frame of 'Another window on the world' (available as text).