TNI in 1986

Ariane van Buren is appointed as the new TNI director. Debt project is established by Jan Joost Teunissen.


The Debt project at TNI is led by Jan Joost Teunissen. He gives uncountable lectures and information evenings on Third World debt for interested groups. Besides, he generates a lot of attention in the media by providing background information for journalists or writing articles himself. Finally, he coordinates the 'Working group on international finance' (WIG). Members of this group are working for Dutch banks, the Ministry of Finance, Development Cooperation, press and parliamentarians.


1 January


Ariane van Buren is appointed as the new TNI director. She attended Fellows' Meetings before and had been working with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in London.


24-27 April


TNI Fellows' Meeting on "The Washington Overview", "The Amsterdam Overview" and "European Fellows' Report on Past Work and Future Proposals".


24-26 October


Workshop at TNI to prepare a European delegation of Parliamentarians - representing various political parties - to the Philippines.