TNI in 1988

TNI organises historic New Detente Conference, based on dialogue between East and West. Susan George launches new book, Fate Worse Than Debt


7-10 January


New Detente Conference, with Mary Kaldor, Richard Falk and Gerard Holden at TNI Amsterdam. The New Detente was a kind of new conversation, a real opening up of a dialogue between East and West.


23 March


Visit of Edgar Chamorro to the Netherlands. The former spokesperson of the Nicaraguan Contra's, is now on the side of the sandinista's and focuses especially on the CIA's influence in Central America. The visit is organised by Pax Christi. TNI organises a discussion/meeting with politicians and others interested. Interview (transcript) available in file Anjali Sundaram.


IPS celebrates its 25th anniversary.


12 May


Gala reception for Bob Borosage in Washington. Bob steps down as IPS director (since 1977) to become advisor to the Jesse Jackson Presidential Campaign. He returns as Senior IPS fellow in November 1988.


25 May


Public meeting in De Balie, Amsterdam, to launch the book 'Something in the wind; Politics after Chernobyl' published by Pluto Press with contributions by Mary Kaldor and Praful Bidwai. The meeting is entitled 'Political Fallout of the Chernobyl Disaster'. Speakers at the meeting include Hilary Wainwright, Mary Kaldor and Anthony Barnett.


26-27 May


Barnett, Kaldor, Wainwright and Falk also participate in the Europe 2000-conference organised in Groningen, by the Polemological Institute of the University.




TNI's leadership changes; TNI gets four associate directors: Susan George, Joel Rocamora, Dan Smith and Pedro Vilanova. At the end of June they meet for the first time.


8 November


David Truong arrives at TNI Amsterdam from the US to start work for the Debt and Development Project.


16 November


Susan George lectures on her new book A Fate Worse than Debt for the Interdisciplinary Development Institute, University of Amsterdam.


Praful Bidway met with a serious car accident.


17 - 20 November


Fellows' Meeting


22 December


Lockerbie disaster, TNI advisor Bent Carlsson dies in plane crash.