TNI in 1991

TNIdeas magazine second and third issue published, including critical analysis of the US war on Iraq.




Publication of the second issue of TNIdeas.




At the initiative of Hermann von Hatzfeldt, TNI hosted a meeting of Ecoropa (European Group for Ecological Action), on the eve of a conference organised by the Dutch government and the UN FAO. Among other issues, the meeting discussed a major critique of the FAO's policies and of its new 'Feeding the World' plan. Public activities at the FAO conference highlighted to its role in exacerbating hunger and ecological degradation in Third World countries.


Early May


TNI Philippines programme co-organised a conference 'Peace in the Philippines'. Maria Diokno, a prominent member of the Multisectoral Peace Advocates in the Philippines (MSPA), and Ed de la Torre, a theologian and advisor of the Peace Programme of the Philippine Council of Churches (NCCP), were invited to discuss the conflict situation in the Philippines, the obstacles to peace, and the various peace initiatives now being pursued in the country. The conference was organised with, among others, Pax Christi, the Dutch Council of Churches, the Dutch Philippine Solidarity Group, and XminusY. 80 People attended.




TNI co-organised a large international conference designed by Jan Nederveen Pieterse: 'The Decolonisation of Imagination: Europe in Reverse Video'. Held in Paradiso, some 35 scholars and writers from all over the world gathered to explore western images of non-western cultures, and vice versa. The majority of participants were Asian, African and Afro-American scholars and/or writers.




Fellows' Meeting on the Gulf War and its aftermath (see report by Niala Maharaj in TNIdeas No. 3).




Publication of TNIdeas No. 3


14-16 November


TNI Fellows' Meeting on '"The Failure of (what is called) Development (and the Need for Alternative Models)". Themes discussed are "The Power of the Rich" (with John Cavanagh, Myriam Vander Stichele and Susan George), "Nicdom Conquering the Asian World" (with Walden Bello, Barry Gills and Pedro Vilanova), "Prospects for Peace in Yugoslavia" (with Milan Nicolic and Mary Kaldor), "The Politics of Resistance. The Case of Latin America" (with Xabier Gorostiaga, Marcos Arruda and Miguel Teubal) and "Political Strategy and the Third World State" (with Anthony Borgues, Basker Vashee, Susan George and Dan Smith).