TNI in 1994

TNI Fellows' Meeting on alternatives to the Washington Consensus in the Global South.


4-8 May


TNI Fellows' Meeting with Julia Carranza on "Cuba: Last Frontier of Anti-imperialism?", Maarten van Dullemen on "Vietnam: Market Socialism Chinese-Style?", Victoria Brittan on "Angola and Mozambique: Beyond Chaos towards Globalisation", Barry Gills on "Conditions of Socialist Reform in the Third World", Fred Halliday and Xabier Gorostiaga on "Revolutionary Models in the Third World: Revising the Past, an Agenda for the Future", Andrej Fadin on "Developments in Russia", Basker Vashee and John Cavanagh on "Africa and Alternatives to Bretton Woods Institutions", Saul Landau with a "Report from Chiapas", and two workshop sessions (on "The Commons" with Peter Wahl and "Central America, Philippines, Africa: New Political Culture in the South").