Letelier's Job Description


Letelier's Job Description



The Director is responsible for the Institute's activities as a whole and also responsible for relationships with third parties, within the general policies and philosophy that guide the Institute. Ito Director will carry out the following principal duties:

  1. Will be a member of the Planning Board, and will present plans and proppsaIG in matters of the Board's responsibilities, and will implement all its decisions.
  2. Will present to the Planning Board, the Board of Trustees and other bodies, proposals related to the long-range development of the TNI.
  3. Will maintain a permanent working relation with IPS co-directors regarding the IPS/TNI's relationship and the similar orientation that must exist between the Institutes.
  4. Will coordinate the administrative and financial activities of the TNI and will adopt the pertinent decisions to implement the policies adopted by the Planning Board. Special attention will be given to those activities related to budgetary matters and to possible improvements in the administration.
  5. Will promote the coordination of the different projects or programs carried out by the TNI, in accordance with the political and academic goals formulated by the Planning Board. For these, purposes, the Director must be In close contact with the project and Program directors and also with the THI follows and each and everyone participating in the general work of the Institute.
  6. Will promote the -Incrcasliig identification of purposes and joint tasks among the members of the TNI, particularly those who work in Washington with the TNI fellows in Amsterdam and London.
  7. Will promote the establishment and maintenance of working links with institutes or research centers in political science, economics and social sciences, with affinities to the TNI, located in different parts of the world, especially In the Third World. These links should enlarge and multiply the effects of the general work of the '1141 and of the different programs and projects of the Institute. To carry out these activities the Director must have adequate contact with the different directors of programs and projects of TNI and with the chiefs of the internal units of the TNI which deal with work relative to different parts of the world.
  8. Will promote the establishment of contacts with progressive labor and political movements, liberal parlamentarians churches and local group, both in the United States and the rest of the world.
  9. Will promote and. maintain working and informational links with international organizations, especially those which operate within the framework of the United Nations.
  10. Wi11 participate in the formulation and execution of the joint of the TNI and IPS especially the program.
  11. Will promote a program of publications which would print papers written within the TNI and in conjunction with other organizations. Special emphasis will be given to permanent improvement of the distribution of such publications.
  12. Will promote activities that will make TNI an important center for the discussion and analysis of the principal problems of imperialism and of the relations between countries and people of the world. For this purpose the Director must promote, in coordination with the different directors of projects and programs, the systematIc development of seminars and conferences, both in Washington and other cities of the world.
  13. Will participate In the different activities designed to obtain the financial inancial. support of individuals and foundations, for TNI's work.
  14. Will represent TNI before third parties.