Outposts of Empire The case against foreign military bases

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 The year is 2007 AD. The globe is entirely occupied by US soldiers... well not entirely! Hundreds of local, national and international campaigns are holding out against the global apparatus of foreign military bases.

About outposts of empire



  • Wilbert van der Zeijden
  • Sarah Irving
  • Wilbert van der Zeijden
  • Oscar Reyes

The year is 2007 AD. The globe is entirely occupied by US soldiers... well not entirely! Hundreds of local, national and international campaigns are holding out against the global apparatus of foreign military bases. Outposts of Empire tells of the everyday effects of foreign military bases at a local or national level: the displacement of people; the democratic deficit and loss of sovereignty that bases cause; their devastating economic, environmental and health impacts; and impunity about the crime that bases bring with them, including sexual violence. These analyses are accompanied by case studies that illustrate the problems of bases in Diego Garcia, Guam, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Panama, the Philippines and Turkey, as well as highlighting the remarkable efforts that people on the ground have made to struggle against them. An introductory essay sets out the broader history and changing geopolitics of the US military presence abroad, and introduces the emerging global network that aim to close these outposts of empire and send the troops home.

Cover - [PDF] Introduction [PDF] Loss of sovereignty: Turkey [PDF] Democratic Deficit: Philippines [PDF] Economic drain: Hawai’i [PDF] Displacement: Diego Garcia [PDF] Map: global US military involvement [PDF] Environmental impact: Panama [PDF] Health hazards: Guam [PDF] Crime and impunity: Korea [PDF] Sex crimes and prostitution: Okinawa [PDF] Further reading [PDF] Contributors