Dossier on EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement Mining | Palm oil | Dairy


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The EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement implies violations in human rights, and trade unionists in particular. Read about the possible implications in three sectors; mining, palmoil and dairy.

About dossier on eu-colombia free trade agreement

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Laura Rangel

Organisations and trade unions in Colombia and in Europe, including the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the International Trade Union Federation (ITUC) have frequently argued against the EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.

They state that it implies gross violations of human rights, and the rights of trade unionists in particular. Colombia has the highest number of trade union murders in the world.

Also from the parliamentarian side critiques are being articulated. A broad range of Latin American and European parliamentarians are against the agreement because they argue that the benefits for the European investors can never be prioritized above human rights. They point to the numerous farmers and communities of indigenous peoples that are expelled from their lands for mining and palm oil plantations.

This dossier maps out the situation in the mining industry, dairy and palm oil sectors and looks at the possible implications that the FTA will have for those sectors.

Pages: 12