Harm Reduction Policy and Practice Worldwide An overview of national support for harm reduction in policy and practice

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The overview lists the countries and territories around the world that support harm reduction in policy or practice.


Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

About harm reduction policy and practice worldwide

Explicit supportive reference to harm reduction in national policy documents: Countries and territories which have an explicit reference to harm reduction in
national health or drug-related policy. Of particular interest here is the US, which includes harm reduction in its national HIV2 and hepatitis C3 strategy documents,
but not in those relating to drug policy.

Needle and syringe exchange programmes operational: Countries and territories which have one or more operational NSP sites.

Opioid substitution therapy programmes operational: Countries and territories which have one or more sites which provide opioid substitution therapy as
maintenance (not for detoxification only).

Drug consumption rooms (DCRs): Countries and territories which have one or more operational DCRs (or safer injecting facilities)

Needle exchange in prisons: Countries and territories which have one or more prisons with operational NSP

Opioid substitution therapy in prisons: Countries and territories which have one or more prisons with opioid substitution therapy as maintenance (not for
detoxification only)

Please note that this listing does not indicate the scope, quality or coverage of services.

Prepared by the International Harm Reduction Association in collaboration with the harm reduction networks from around the world

International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA)
February 2009