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A package of TNI's best publications on Trade and Investment


Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

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Profiting from Crisis
How corporations and lawyers are scavenging profits from Europe’s crisis countries

Cecilia Olivet & Pia Eberhardt
March '14

Corporations, backed by lawyers, use international investment agreements to scavenge for profits by suing Europe’s crisis countries. While speculators making risky investments are protected, ordinary people have no such protection and – through harsh austerity policies – are being stripped of basic social rights.

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No fracking way
How the EU-US trade agreement risks expanding fracking

Pietje Vervest, Timothé Feodoroff et al.
March '14

A briefing that explores how a trade agreement currently being negotiated between the US and the EU could open the way to multi-billion euro lawsuits from companies wanting to expand “fracking” for shale gas and oil.

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A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership
The proposed EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP/TAFTA), and its socio-economic & environmental consequences

October '13

A report by the Seattle to Brussels Network demystifies the alleged economic benefits of the deal and exposes how it could harm people, the environment and the economy on both sides of the Atlantic.

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A transatlantic corporate bill of rights
Investor privileges in EU-US trade deal threaten public interest and democracy

October '13

This briefing analyses leaked proposals for so-called investor-state dispute settlement under the proposed EU-US deal and reveals a determined lobby campaign from industry lobby groups and law firms to grant unprecedented rights to corporations to sue governments for legislation and regulations that interfere with their profits.

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The right to say no
EU-Canada trade agreement threatens fracking bans

Cecilia Olivet, Timothé Feodoroff, Pia Eberhardt, Emma Lui, Stuart Trew
May '13

As European Union (EU) member states consider the implications of environmentally risky shale gas development (fracking), negotiations are underway for a controversial EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) which would grant investors the right to challenge governments’ decision to ban and regulate fracking. application/pdf icon

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A test for European solidarity
The case of intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties

Cecilia Olivet
Feb '13

Corporations in Western Europe are suing Central and Eastern European countries at international arbitration tribunals through a vast web of intra-EU Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). Yet while the European Commission has questioned the validity of these BITs, Netherlands, Germany, and the UK, oppose their termination.

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Profiting from injustice
How law firms, arbitrators and financiers are fuelling an investment arbitration boom

Cecilia Olivet & Pia Eberhardt
Nov '12

A small club of international law firms, arbitrators and financial speculators are fuelling an investment arbitration boom that is costing taxpayers billions of dollars and preventing legislation in the public interest.

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