What kind of multilateralism and global governance do we want? Summit of the Future (SOTF) process update

Event date:
, - CET

Join us for an insightful workshop to explore the evolving landscape of multilateralism and global governance in the wake of the Summit of the Future (SOTF). The intense activity among nations surrounding the development of the zero draft for the Future Compact has been matched by vigorous engagement from social organizations and grassroots movements. These groups are working to track the pace set by the summit's co-facilitators and to influence the outcomes of this critical process.

Event flyer

Beyond the Pact for the Future, the Digital Global Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations are also on the agenda. However, there's a growing sense of skepticism about what the summit can truly achieve, especially among countries and civil society groups in the Global South. Many worry that the SOTF could undermine existing achievements, slow important ongoing discussions, or pave the way for an expansion of multistakeholderism.

Our webinar aims to provide a platform for critical civil society voices to share their insights, engage in collective analysis, and discuss the potential impact of these developments. This session is designed to help participants stay informed about the broader context of these agreements and to encourage a dialogue centered on the interests of "We the Peoples." We'll also address concerns about the potential for corporate influence within the UN system and discuss strategies for safeguarding the integrity of multilateral governance.

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of the structure of the Pact for the Future, which encompasses the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Sustainable Development & Financing for Development
  • Chapter 2: International Peace and Security
  • Chapter 3: Science, Technology, and Innovation and Digital Cooperation
  • Chapter 4: Youth and Future Generations
  • Chapter 5: Transforming Global Governance

This open workshop is an opportunity for you to be part of a collective effort to critically assess these developments and to participate in meaningful discussions about the future of multilateralism. Don't miss this chance to contribute your voice and ideas. We look forward to seeing you there.


15:00 - Intro and State of play: SOTF and the Pact for the Future Drafting process 

  • Gonzalo Berrón, TNI

15:15 What kind of multilateralism do we want. Global Governance for the SOTF & beyond (Ch.5) 

Input by Harris Gleckman: "Transforming the Structures of Global Governance: Priorities for Chapter 5 of the Pact for the Future.  An Assessment Tool. "10’. 

Comments / Discussion: Mona Sabella (ESCR.net), Baba Aye (ISP), Martin Drago (FOEI) and other social movement representatives. 

16:00 Other thematic implications for Multilateralism and Global Governance

  • Global Digital Compact, Anita Gurumurthy, IT for Change. 5’
  • Finance for Development, debt, and taxes. Jomo Sundaram / Stefano Prato. 5’
  • Declaration on Future Generations, Ana Maria Suarez-Franco, Fian. 5’
  • Reglobalisation:  Joseph Purugannan (Focus on the Global South). 5’

16:45 Next steps and closing

  • CSO Nairobi's Conference, Vernor Muñoz GCE 5'

17:00 End of the workshop