Blue Geopolitics



Blue Geopolitics
The United Nations Reform and the Future of the Blue Helmets
Vicenç Fisas
Foreword by Federico Mayor Zaragoza (Director-General, UNESCO)
Translated from Spanish by Andrew Langdon Davies
TNI/Pluto Press London, September 1995 (160pp)
ISBN: 0-7453-1031-1

The United Nations Charter was signed on the 26th of June, 1945 stating that the signee governments were committed to preserve future generations from war, to hold up human rights and the dignity and values of individuals, to promote social progress and raise living standards, to promote tolerance and to ensure that armed force is only used for the service of the common good. Looking back historically, the UN has not set out to do what it intended. Wars abound, conflicts are dealt with through threats and coercion, the gap between rich and poor widens, tolerance is minimal and no states are prepared to give up their armed forces.

The United Nations is in need of drastic and urgent reform. Failure to implement a fundamental review of UN structures and policies will mean its continuation as little more than an instrument of the world's dominant powers and, in the long run, will threaten its very existence. Blue Geopolitics provides a succinct, clear and accessible introduction to the workings of the United Nations, covering the major issues currently under scrutiny. The book concentrates on the recent and potential role for the UN Blue Helmets and what part it plays in peacekeeping, conflict resolution and conflict prevention. Fisas describes and analyses current trends, proposing ideas and recommendations for the necessary reform.

Blue Geopolitics had a timely release in 1995, the 50th Anniversary of the UN. The research in this edition focuses on the United Nations Peace-keeping Forces but it also offers an array of analyses on contemporary security issues, humanitarian intervention, state sovereignty and on new organizational structures for the UN.