Networked Politics: Rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks


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About networked politics: rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks

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Networked Politics
Networked Politics is the product of a collaborative research process for rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks. It examines the role of social movements, progressive parties, political institutions and new "techno-political tools" in achieving transformative change. In this seminar reader the authors set out the principles upon which such transformations should be based, and the challenges that stand in the way of their realisation. Download the reader as a single file (PDF) or by chapters (below)
  1. Intro: Networked Politics in Berlin
  2. Consolidations
    1. Principles and Challenges Where are we at? Ezequiel Adamovsky and Micha Brie review the principles so far Appendix: New participants and invitees to contribute their principles and challenges
    2. Case studies Summaries of main theses- issues/questions arising from four case studies commissioned after the Barcelona seminar Open software movement. Stefano Fabri The experience of Internet world governance. Vittorio Bertola Feminism and political organisation: the experience of the German Greens Preliminary report by Frieder OttoWolf Social movement trade unionism. Ant Ince
    3. Dictionary Intro. Marco Berlinguer Comment. Lawrence Cox Example. Global social movement. Donatella della Porta
  3. The four lines of inquiry. New questions for research.
    1. Ownership and the Commons Intro: Joan Subirat. Papers by Bruno Amoroso and Arturo di Corinto
    2. Labour and the movements Intro: Marco Berlinguer Papers by Carlo Formenti and Peter Waterman Appeal for a Labour Network in the WSF
    3. The new web communities and political culture. Intro: Mayo Fuster Papers by Felix Stalder Ten Theses on Non-Democratic Electronics. Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter
    4. Democracy beyond representation Intro Hilary Wainwright Papers by Peter Maier, Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter, Christopher Spehr
  4. Tuesday a.m brainstorm Emerging subjects of transformation – their existence, character and conditions of emergence
  5. Biographies Menu of maximum reader
  6. Further reading - Mobilising against the G8 by Ben Trott
  7. Seminar programme