Progressive Public Water Management in Europe



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Despite decades of intense pressure to commercialise and privatise water delivery, there are still numerous inspiring examples of successful public water management in cities and regions across Europe.

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  • Philipp Terhorst
  • David Hachfeld
  • Olivier Hoedeman

A new discussion paper published by TNI and CEO explores the lessons to be learned from ten such examples, on the basis of nine key criteria for progressive public water management. Highlights include:

  • water companies in Vienna, Munich and Amsterdam which provide water for millions of city dwellers, proving that a high level of ecological responsibility can be achieved with a relatively low tariff.
  • utilities in Cordoba (Spain) and Grenoble (France), which have some the most advanced forms of democratic and participatory water management in Europe.
  • the Turkish municipality Dikili, which has introduced a socially responsible approach, canceling debts from unpaid water bills and providing a minimum quantity of water for free.
  • Amsterdam, Malmö-Lund and the province of Seville, which confirm the huge potential for public-public partnerships among water companies as a tool to improve public water management in Europe and around the world.

The authors hope the discussion paper will enrich the debate on effective alternatives to privatised and commercialised water delivery in Europe and beyond. The ten cases covered in the discussion paper are: Grenoble (France), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Munich (Germany), Vienna(Austria), Dikili (Turkey), Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband (Germany), Gramastetten (Austria), Malmö and Lund(Sweden), Cordoba (Spain), Provincia de Sevilla (Spain)

Pages: 24