The World Crisis and Beyond - Building a New Global Solidarity Summary of the seminar


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Neoliberal market capitalism has dragged the world into a crisis which threatens human civilisation. Climate destruction, resource wars, and the replacement of democracy by an oligarchy face us if we don't act now to reduce the burden we place on our planet and reorganise society on a more egalitarian  basis.

Re-Asserting Control: Voluntary Return, Restitution and the Right to Land for IDPs and Refugees in Myanmar - cover

About the world crisis and beyond - building a new global solidarity

Publication type

Neoliberal market capitalism has dragged the world into a crisis which threatens human civilisation. Climate destruction, resource wars, and the replacement of democracy by an oligarchy face us if we don't act now to reduce the burden we place on our planet and reorganise society on a more egalitarian  basis.

Report of the conference The World Crisis - and Beyond: Conference on alternatives and transformation paths to overcome the regime of crisis-capitalism
Brussels, 28 October - 1 November 2009