International Drug Policy: Animated Report 2009

Publication date:

Produced by an Oscar-winning studio for the Global Drug Policy Program of the Open Society Institute, International Drug Policy: Animated Report 2009 highlights some of the disastrous effects of drug policy in recent years and proposes solutions for a way forward.

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About international drug policy: animated report 2009

In the run-up to the March 2009 UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs meeting — where the future path of international drug policy will be determined — this film seeks to show that pursuing a "drug-free world" can lead to more harm than good.

Related information:

International Drug Policy Factsheet (PDF Document - 222K))
Open Society Institute
March 2009

Produced by the Open Society Institute's Global Drug Policy Program, the factsheet presents fundamental information relating to drug use, law enforcement, treatment, harm reduction, human rights, and more.

Global Drug Policy Program of the Open Society Institute
March 2009