Resumen de prensa 2017

El TNI en la prensa en 2017:

01/03/2017: Medium: 'For John Berger'

01/04/2017: Joop: 'Klimaatverandering is een grote bedreiging voor onze veiligheid'

01/05/2017: Sydney Morning Herald: 'John Berger: art critic and storyteller'

01/07/2017: RTVNoord: 'Groningen gasvrij? Ja, dat moet kunnen'

01/08/2017: Irish Independent: 'Obituary: John Berger'

01/08/2017: Guardian (Nigeria):'Charting a new roadmap for Lagos water crisis'/

01/10/2017: Efeagro: 'Un 3% de las explotaciones acaparan el 52% de las tierras en UE'

01/10/2017: El Confidencial: 'La industria armamentística europea hace su agosto con la crisis de los refugiados'

01/15/2017: Forbes: 'China Vs. Japan On Giving Foreign Aid: 3 Things Other Countries Should Know'

01/18/2017: De Wereld Morgen'Hoe moet het verder in Colombia na vredesproces?'

01/24/2017: Open Democracy: 'Our common ground: a salute to the Young Global Collective'

01/27//2017: Open Democracy: 'The media–technology–military industrial complex'

01/27/2017: Open Democracy: 'The battle for minds, and role of human behaviour in generating plutocracies'

01/24/2017: RTL (NL): 'Over deze EU-handelsverdragen hoor je bijna niemand'

01/31/2017: The National (UAE): 'Book review: The Fourth Industrial Revolution – get ready for robots and more inequality'

02/03/2017: BNR Nieuws Radio (Business Nieuws Radio): '3 FEBRUARI | DRUGSHANDEL'

02/03/2017: ROAR Magazine: 'Monsters of the financialized imagination: from Pokémon to Trump'

02/05/2017: ROAR Magazine: 'Amilcar Cabral’s revolutionary anti-colonialist ideas'

02/08/2017: Al Jazeera: 'Drugs and bullets in Myanmar'

02/16/2017: Vietnam Economic Times: 'Greater exposure'

02/22/2017: El Diario: 'Las grandes auditorías son las grandes beneficiadas de los rescates'

02/22/2017: 'Les quatre grans consultores copen el negoci dels rescats a la banca'

02/22/2017: Publico: 'El negocio de los rescates bancarios ya ha costado 750.000 millones de euros de dinero público a los europeos'

02/22/2017: 20minutos: 'Rescates bancarios en UE solo beneficiaron a un grupo de empresas'

02/22/2017: La Marea: 'El cártel de las auditoras y los 235.000 millones de euros perdidos'

02/22/2017: El Salmon Contracorriente: 'Banca europea y el oligopolio de las auditorías'

02/22/2017: Rebelion: 'Un nuevo informe revela quién se beneficia de los rescates bancarios en la UE'


02/22/2017: Diario Critico: '¿Cuánto ha costado el rescate bancario y quién se ha beneficiado?'

02/23/2017: Euractiv: 'The bailout business in the EU'

02/23/2017: Huffington Post Greece: 'Εκατομμύρια κέρδισαν εταιρείες ελεγκτών από τη διάσωση των ευρωπαϊκών τραπεζών. Ποια η ζημία της Ελλάδας'

02/24/2017: Radio France International: ¿Quién se beneficia de los rescates bancarios en la UE?

02/26/2017: European Business Express: 'The Bailout Business. Who Profits?'

02/26/2017: ES Radio: 'Las consecuencias de la unión bancaria'

02/27/2017: Mondiaal Nieuws: 'Rapport “The Bail Out Business”: hoe auditbedrijven de Europese bevolking oplichtten'

02/28/2017: Jakarta Post: 'Criminalizing cannabis in Indonesia might do more harm than good'

03/01/2017: Buletin National Informatif (Romania):

03/02/2017: Voice of America (VOA): 'Into Myanmar's Stalled Peace Process Steps China'

03/03/2017: Politico: 'POLITICO Brussels Influence: EP lobbying ban? — Down with Baysanto — Telco soul-searching'

03/04/2017: Open Democracy: 'Human nature as victim in Colombia'

03/09/2017: Asia Times: 'Myanmar has a drug problem'

03/14/2017: Business Day: 'Chicken industry’s survival rests on a level playing field for import tariffs'

03/14/2017: Arbejderen (Denmark): 'Rød-Grønne alternativer – kan fællesskaber og kooperativer udfordre neoliberalismen nedefra?'

03/16/2017: Basta: 'Ces « zones libres » en Europe qui privilégient les alternatives locales face au néolibéralisme global'

03/17/2017: Alternet: 'Trump Wants to Hand $54 Billion More to One of the World's Biggest Drivers of Climate Catastrophe'

03/17/2017: Huffington Post: 'Nigeria’s Water Bill Could Criminalize Drinking Water For Millions'

03/20/2017: Politico: 'Brussels Influence: Ombudsman takes aim at Council — Edelman’s soul-searching — ‘Ce matin, un lapin …’

03/22/2017: FTM (Follow The Money): 'Accountancy-pyromanen blussen hun eigen brandjes'

03/22/2017: El Espectador: 'El “coco” sigue siendo la coca, pero no se soluciona solo con arrancarla'

03/23/2017: La Diaria: 'Sociólogo venezolano cuestiona la “solidaridad incondicional” de la izquierda latinoamericana con el chavismo'

03/24/2017: Nation of Change: “Our water, our right”: 10 global struggles for public water

03/25/2017: El Pais: 'Europa abraza los centros de detención de extranjeros'

03/26/2017: Popular Resistance: 'Ten Global Struggles For Public Water'

03/27/2017: Altinget (Denmark):'Cevea: Vand og varme-privatiseringer giver højere priser'

03/28/2017: Trouw: 'Tegenstanders TTIP en Ceta willen desnoods referendum'

03/28/2017: La Stampa: 'Acqua contro carbone, la sporca guerra del Sud Africa'

03/28/2017: Trouw: 'Tegenstanders TTIP en Ceta willen desnoods referendum'

03/31/2017: New York Times: 'A Chinese-Backed Dam Project Leaves Myanmar in a Bind'

04/01/2017: Der Spiegel:'EU-Förderung von NGOs 1,2 Milliarden Euro für null Transparenz'

04/01/2017: Volkskrant: 'De linkse hel in Venezuela: tussen de resten van de revolutie en 'staatsgreep''

04/06/2017: La Vanguardia:'Podemos convoca el 22 de abril una conferencia contra Le Pen y "anti-Trump"'

04/06/2017: San Francisco Chronicle: A supervisor and her constituent engage in face-to-face politics

04/10/2017: Onet:

04/10/2017: The Irrawaddy: 'Push for Treatment-Oriented Drug Policy Continues'

04/12/2017: The Economist: 'Some Arab governments are rethinking harsh cannabis laws'

04/13/2017: Courrier International: 'Migrations. Enquête sur le grand marché des frontières européennes'

04/15/2017: La Republica: 'Romania, terreni agricoli e affarismo sregolato: il business delle campagne continua'

04/18/2017: 'Sécurité aux frontières de l’Europe: un juteux business mais... "Les trafiquants bénéficient des politiques européennes"'

04/18/2017: The Citizen: 'The Opposition And a New Consensus'>br> 04/21/2017: Haaretz (reprint Economist article 12/4): ניצני הסובלנות לקנביס פורחים בעולם הערבי

04/21/2017: Politico: 'POLITICO Brussels Influence: Commission sides with Greens on NGO funding — How to lobby (and how not to)'

04/21/2017: Moyers and company: 'There’s No Strategy Behind Trump’s Wars — Only Brute Force'

04/22/2017: El Diario: Pablo Iglesias: “¿Con qué va a responder el Gobierno ante la crisis humanitaria, con concertinas y pelotas de goma?”

04/25/2017: MOndiaal Nieuws: 'Jakarta zinkt: ‘Oplossing Nederlandse bedrijven catastrofaal voor lokale gemeenschappen’

04/26/2017: Altinget (Denmark): 'Bendtsen: Venstrefløjens NGO-facade smuldrer i Bruxelles'

05/01/2017: ABC (Australia): 'Cassie Sainsbury: Adelaide woman arrested for drug trafficking in Colombia was framed, family says'

05/02/2017: Companero: 'Compañero, La Revista – Número 4'

05/03/2017: Proceso: 'Rescates bancarios: negocio redondo'

05/05/2017: Sydney Morning Herald (and reprinted by at least 45 other outlets!): 'Cassandra Sainsbury held amid rising tide of female drug mules in Latin America'

05/09/2017: Telesur: 'Ecuador's Correa Takes Last Stand of Sovereignty Against Harmful Investment Pacts'

05/11/2017: Red Pepper: 'On the narcissism of small differences'

05/13/2017: La Republica: 'Agenda/ Municipale balcanica, a parco 2 Giugno il concertone degli anti G7'

05/14/2017: Proceso: Trump “renarcotiza” las relaciones con la región

05/14/2017: Telesur: 'Sobre la soberanía económica en Ecuador'

05/15/2017: Ecuador Inmediato: 'Cecilia Olivet: Hay varios TBI que afectaron al Ecuador, pero el más importante sería el de Occidental (AUDIO)'

05/15/2017: El Telegrafo: 'Productores ecuatorianos respaldan el fin de los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión'

05/16/2017: Zocalo: ‘Renarcotiza’ Trump relaciones con Latinoamérica'

05/30/2017: Publico: “Las elecciones francesas son el resultado de 40 años de neoliberalismo

06/01/2017: NPO Radio:

06/01/2017: Een van dag: 'Sioux-stam schiet Groningers te hulp'

06/07/2017: BNR (Business Nieuws Radio):

06/09/2017: La Mula: 'Edgardo Lander sobre Venezuela: "No es solo un desborde, hay sectores que buscan esta violencia como objetivo"'

06/12/2017: The Guardian: 'A group of Canadian teachers could decide the future of Chile's water supply'

06/20/2017: El Diario: 'Autocultivo, consumo y venta permitidos: la propuesta de marihuana legal que los expertos proponen al Congreso'

06/21/2017: OmVarlden: 'FN-avtal mot global rovdrift möter mäktigt motstånd'

06/21/2017: Al Jazeera: 'Criminalising Standing Rock'

06/22/2017: Irrawaddy:

06/22/2017: The Economist: 'On Japan, tech-unicorns, punctuation and more'

06/22/2017: Het Parool: 'Dit kan Amsterdam leren van Barcelona'

06/22/2017: Law 360: 'No Domino Effect Yet After Ecuador Treaty Denunciation'

06/23/2017: Trouw: 'Privatisering wordt wereldwijd weer volop teruggedraaid'

06/23/2017: BBC (Brazil): 'Enquanto Rio privatiza, por que Paris, Berlim e outras 265 cidades reestatizaram saneamento?'

06/23/2017: Telesur: 'Praise for Putting Essential Services Back in Public Hands'

06/23/2017: Basta: 'Remunicipalisation : Villes et citoyens tentent, malgré l’austérité, d’inventer les services publics d’avenir'

06/23/2017: Rabble:'The reversal of privatization and an urban coming of age'

06/26/2017: Les Echos: 'Services publics : ces villes qui tournent la page des privatisations'

06/26/2017: efsyn: 'Οι υπηρεσίες κοινής ωφέλειας επιστρέφουν στα χέρια των πολιτών'

06/26/2017: New Stateman: 'More than 830 cities have brought essential services back under public control. Others should follow'


06/30/2017: Borderlex: '50 NGOs call for EU Mexico trade talk suspension'

07/01/2017: Dagblad van het Noorden: Debat met Kamerleden over toekomst zonder NAM

07/05/2017: Yes Magazine: 'Our Best Shot at Meeting Paris Goals? Make Energy Public'

07/05/2017: Cuarto Poder: 'Un tribunal popular juzgará a la UE por las miles de muertes de refugiados y migrantes'

07/09/2017: Common Dreams: 'Our Best Shot at Meeting Paris Goals? Make Energy Public'

07/11/2017: Open Democracy: 'De-risking and non-profits: how do you solve a problem that no-one wants to take responsibility for?'

07/12/2017: Irrawaddy: Report: Refugee Returns Must Be Linked to Broader Land Reforms

07/12/2017: L'Echo: 'Défendre et internationaliser la loi belge contre les fonds vautours'

07/13/2017: Irrawaddy:

07/17/2017: VICE magazine: 'European Cities Are Reclaiming Public Services From the Private Sector'

07/17/2017: The Guardian: 'Big tobacco bullies the global south. Trade deals are their biggest weapon'

07/17/2017: Huffington Post (Italy): 'La guerra invisibile contro i difensori della Terra è un’emergenza globale'

07/19/2017: Economic Times: 'Civil society groups flag concerns on impact of regional trade pact with APAC'

07/23/2017: Nikkei Asian Review: 'Inside Bangladesh's methamphetamine problem'

07/22/2017: The Wire: 'It Is Both Necessary and Possible to Develop an Alternative to Globalisation'

07/25/2017: Open Democracy: 'John Berger and the Booker Prize'

07/25/2017: The Daily Star (Bangladesh): 'The curse of yaba persists'

07/27/2017: Newsclick: 'Unions and Citizens Together Can Reclaim Public Services and Fight RCEP'

08/01/2017: Huffington Post: 'Is Privatization On Its Way Out?'

08/03/2017: The Diplomat: 'Kyrgyzstan: Caught in a Web of International Investment Agreements'

08/05/2017: The Nation Thailand: 'Why RCEP is more dangerous than bilateral investment treaties'

08/25/2017: National Post (Canada): Worth reading in the Trump era: Nuclear nightmares, authoritarianism and climate change

08/25/2017: Myanmar Times: 'Urgent review needed of drug policy'

08/26/2017: Philippine Star: 'Left behind'

08/30/2017: Nieuwsuur: 'Barcelona neemt essentiële diensten weer in eigen beheer'

09/05/2017: The Conversation: 'Costa Rica’s Banco Popular shows how banks can be democratic, green – and financially sustainable'

09/06/2017: Open Democracy: 'DSEI: A supermarket for state surveillance and border wars'

09/06/2017: Público: España ya es el tercer país más demandado en tribunales como los del CETA por el recorte a las renovables

09/06/2017: De Telegraaf: 'België legt CETA Verdag voor'

09/07/2017: Shan Herald: 'Will Myanmar lead drug policy reform in Southeast Asia?'

09/08/2017: MOndiaal Nieuws: ‘Europees handelsverdrag met Indonesië bedreigt mensenrechten’

09/09/2017: Telesur: 'Hurricane Irma and How the US Exploits Disasters to Blackmail the Caribbean'

09/10/2017: Truth Out: 'Our Best Shot at Meeting Paris Goals? Make Energy Public'

09/11/2017: Antara News: 'Trade, investment agreements must not violate human rights'

09/14/2017: Truth Out: 'A Supermarket for State Surveillance and Border Wars'

09/20/2017: The Daily Caller: 'Oh Snap! Hillary’s Burmese Heroine Just Might Be A War Criminal'

09/22/2017: The Citizen: 'Is the Resistance Sufficient to Check BJP's Forward March?'

09/30/2017: Open Democracy: 'The power of a transformative city'

10/02/2017: Red Pepper: 'There is no ‘cult of Corbyn’ – this is a movement preparing for power'

10/02/2017: Devex: 'How proposed changes to Australia's political donations threaten NGOs'

10/03/2017: Arbejderen (Denmark): 'Debat: Afprivatisering af vand og andre fælles goder?'

10/06/2017: Publico: 'La criminalización de Standing Rock'

10/09/2017: VG: 'Hellas på billigsalg: Kinesere og tyskere overtar'

10/11/2017: The Diplomat: 'A New Drug Win for Malaysia?'

10/12/2017: New York Times (ES): 'El pueblo que quiere dejar de cultivar marihuana en Paraguay'

10/13/2017: Irrawaddy: 'The EU-Myanmar IPA Threatens Emerging Democracy'

10/14/2017: Reuters: 'In flood-prone Jakarta, will 'Giant Sea Wall' plan sink or swim?'

10/19/2017: Frontier: 'EU-Myanmar investment treaty talks: Where’s the transparency?'

10/19/2017: Voanews 'Massive Water Privatization Program to End in Jakarta After 18 Years'

10/19/2017: Master Studies: 'Five Ways Students Can Escape the Ivory Tower'

10/20/2017: Le Courier:'Réduire l’asymétrie entre les transnationales et leurs victimes'

10/23/2017: News Click: 10/23/2017: 24 heures: 'A Genève, haro sur l’impunité des multinationales'

10/23/2017: Tribune de Geneve: 'A Genève, haro sur l’impunité des multinationales'

10/23/2017: Huffington Post (Italy): 'Difensori dei diritti umani sotto attacco'

10/23/2017: La Vanguardia: 'Ecuador presenta texto para avanzar en tratado para controlar multinacionales'

10/24/2017: El Universal: En la UTB se debate sobre el futuro del servicio de energía en la costa Caribe

10/25/2017: Il Manifesto (behind paywall): 'Edizione del 25.10.2017'

10/27/2017: Arab News: 'EU smart borders to tighten security for Schengen visitors'

10/27/2017: Open Democracy: 'Introducing this week's theme: Strasbourg's World Forum for Democracy 2017 looks at 'media, parties and populism'

10/31/2017: Euractiv: 'Europe’s quiet offensive against people helping refugees'

11/03/2017: El Universal: 'Electricaribe, urge debatir'

11/06/2017: Foreign Policy: 'Is the ‘Jihadi Drug’ Moving Out of Syria?'

11/09/2017: New Internationalist: 'Europe’s offensive against refugee solidarity'

11/10/2017: The Nation: 'The Military-Industrial Complex Is Fundamentally Changing the European Union'

11/10/2017: The Guardian: 'Emissions trading and refrigerated truck engines under scrutiny'

11/13/2017: Reuters (Plus Irrawaddy, the Daily Mail, etc): 'They beat him with sticks', says villager of killing of Myanmar land rights defender', 'They beat him with sticks', says villager of killing of Myanmar land rights defender' and 'They beat him with sticks', says villager of killing of Myanmar land rights defender'

12/12/2017: El Salto Diario: "El silencio de la izquierda sobre los refugiados es vergonzoso"

12/12/2017: El Salto Diario: 'La extrema derecha en Polonia: así es el neoliberalismo'

12/19/2017: El Universal México: 'Buscan pactar modernización del TLCUEM esta semana'

12/19/2017: El Salto Diario: 'No al TAV: alimentando el fuego de la resistencia en el norte de Italia'

12/26/2017: Público: 'La ofensiva de Europa contra quienes ayudan a las personas refugiadas'

12/29/2017: LA Times: A farmers activist is beaten to death, and the video goes viral. How tensions over land are tearing at Myanmar