No clean sweep for ethnic parties: TNI paper

Shan Herald - Ethnic based parties are unlikely to sweep the 7 ethnic states, concludes Transnational Institute (TNI) briefing paper, entitled Ethnic Politics and the 2015 Elections in Myanmar, which was published yesterday.

United to End Genocide

La Hpay Nang Bauk (pictured with her youngest daughter) after sharing the story of her husband who was taken by the Burmese army and has been missing for more than a month

"[...] there is a bright side to the upcoming elections, compared to 2010 or even 2012 say the paper:

  • The political climate in the country is significantly more open, with a fairly vibrant and generally uncensored media and greater civil liberties, as well as public confidence in using them
  • Another is the close collaboration between the election commission international electoral support organizations which has helped to promote international standards
  • Not last and not least is the cost of candidacy which has been reduced from K 500,000 to K 300,000 (about US $ 250). In 2010 it was non-refundable. But now, as in 1990, it is a deposit, refunded in full to winners, as well as to any candidate who obtains at least 12.5% of valid votes.

Read the full article.