How we made the news in 2020

TNI’s work is in the news almost every working day of the year. Together with our partners, we enjoy wide coverage in national and international news outlets from around the world. Here are some of the highlights from 2020 of which we are particularly proud.

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Media Outlets - Highlights

The Economist drew on our work several times, including for their pieces Illegal drugs have become deeply rooted in Burmese society and Aung San Suu Kyi has brought Myanmar peace talks, but no peace.

VICE news referred to our work on cannabis in Indonesia in their article The Worst Places in the World to Get Busted with Weed and Euronews too quoted TNI researcher Tom Blickman when they wrote about Albania’s debate about legalizing cannabis for medical purposes.

In December, the UN finally gave the green light to medicinal cannabis. TNI’s researchers were quoted in Le Monde, Salon, Die Tageszeitung and Marijuana Business Daily.

TNI’s recent reports on the Belt and Road Initiative won regional and international coverage on Radio Free Asia, India’s Economic Times and the BBC.

TNI has gained a reputation for quality research on the subject of borders in recent years, a trend that continued in 2020 with coverage in the Financial Times (only print edition), the Guardian, and SBS (Australia), among others.

Not long after the pandemic broke, TNI and partners wrote research on the foreign investors poised to make billions from Covid-crisis measures and the lawyers preparing to help them do it. These pieces were covered in the Suddeutsche Zeitung, Der Spiegel, Politico, El Pais, The Guardian and de Volkskrant.

Our Public Alternatives work – a broad area of work that examines energy democracy, new and revived models of public ownership, and local initiatives towards a more just and sustainable world, among other issues – was picked up by The Guardian, El Diario, Open Democracy, UOL (Brazil), Le Monde Diplomatique and the Daily Maverick.

In late 2019, TNI co-organized a ‘toxitour’ in Mexico, a caravan of environmental, labor and scientific organizations from Mexico, America and Europe that toured the most polluted areas of the country to learn about and highlight corporate crimes and impunity. A segment on national channel Noticeros Televisa covered the tour in depth.

Recently we have given special focus to the West Asia (Middle East) and North Africa regions and our work in this area has been well received, with coverage by outlets such as Open Democracy and ROAR magazine.

Some of our older work popped up in the news too, for instance when National Geographic cited our 2013 work on fracking.

TNI researchers regularly contribute opinion pieces to outlets in Latin America, Africa, Europe, North America and Asia. Some highlights this year included our piece on the Hirak movement in Algeria for Africa is a Country, pieces for Publico on Spain’s trade and investment agreements and foreign lawsuits and Open Democracy on the law firms cashing in on the pandemic. In Euractiv, we wrote with partners about the dangers of the Energy Charter Treaty.

Finally, TNI’s State of Power Podcast made a list of 15 Great Climate Podcasts and our  popular webinars made the news in the New Internationalist, the Huffington Post and Red Pepper magazine.

Social Media

Media Outlets - Details

01/02/2020 Business Mirror (Philippines) De-commodifying natural resources: Resurrecting the public sector

01/17/2020 BBC (reposted on several other outlets) 期待打通中国在印度洋门户,习近平开启缅甸之行

01/15/2020 Mizzima China views Myanmar as a gateway to the Indian Ocean, but concerns remain

01/17/2020 The Guardian (and republished by El Diario) The case for ... truly taking back control – by reversing the privatisation of our cities

01/20/2020 Noticeros Televisa TV segment

01/20/2020 Mail and Guardian Democracy and charisma: A dangerous liaison

01/21/2020 Public Radio International (PRI) (and republished by lots of stations) With less foreign aid, Thai clinic struggles to serve migrants and refugees from Myanmar

01/23/2020 The Daily Beast A Brief Global History of the War on Weed

01/26/2020 Radio Free Asia Burmese Video

01/27/2020 Publico 50 de las empresas con más ganancias del mundo emplean únicamente a un 6% de sus trabajadores de forma directa

02/01/2020 Ilta Sanomat Pää pois putkesta, päättäjät! Vesihuollon yksityistäminen on pöljä idea

02/03/2020 Art News Three Museum Exhibitions about Migration Focus on Trauma but Obscure its Causes

02/06/2020 The Star (Malaysia) (reprinted by Phnomh Penn Post and others in Asia News Network) Aceh may legalise cannabis

02/08/2020 The Wire Trump's Middle East 'Peace Plan' Is a Step Towards Institutionalising Apartheid

02/07/2020 VICE news The Worst Places in the World to Get Busted with Weed 

02/10/2020 BBC Indonesia Budaya Ganja di Nusantara: Ritual, Pengobatan hingga Bumbu Masakan

02/13/2020 High Times A Brief Global History of the War on Cannabis

02/14/2020 Naver News  '국경'에 숨겨진 '자본'의 힘

02/18/2020 Daily Maverick The critics are wrong about Cosatu’s PIC proposal to save Eskom

03/18/2020 El Diario El agua que queremos, el agua que necesitamos

03/19/2020 Radio U Chile Efecto TLC: países latinoamericanos han pagado más de 30 mil millones de dólares por demandas de transnacionales

03/29/2020 Financial Times (behind paywall) Migration: tales of brutality along Europe's borders

03/06/2020 Myanmar Times Western pressure pushes Myanmar towards China, research firm says

03/12/2020 Open Democracy How EU rules are getting in the way of progressive public policy – and how cities are fighting back

03/17/2020 El Diario El agua que queremos, el agua que necesitamos

04/07/2020 Huffington Post (Italy) L'Italia istituisca un organismo di monitoraggio dello stato di emergenza

04/08/2020 The Irrawaddy Myanmar Rights Groups Urge Release of Low-Risk Prisoners Amid Outbreak Fears

05/04/2020 Radio Francia International Monopolios y tribunales privados, dos puntos polémicos del nuevo acuerdo México-UE

05/12/2020 Al Jazeera Sanctions in the era of pandemic

05/12/2020 Dhaka Tribune Pandenomics: How giving during a pandemic can revive the economy

05/13/2020 The Guardian 'A bloody method of control': the struggle to take down Europe's razor wire walls

05/19/2020 Süddeutsche Zeitung Regierungen drohen Schadensersatzklagen wegen Corona-Maßnahmen

05/19/2020 Klagen in Millionenhöhe erwartet

05/19/2020 De Volkskrant Miljoenenclaims voor schade door coronabeleid zijn al in de maak

05/19/2020 Open Democracy Exclusive: Countries to face a ‘wave’ of corporate lawsuits challenging emergency COVID-19 measures

05/19/2020 El País Los grandes bufetes alientan arbitrajes millonarios por las medidas frente al Covid-19

05/19/2020 Mediapart Covid-19: des activistes redoutent une hausse des procédures lancées par des multinationales contre des Etats 

05/21/2020 Alternet Corporate lawyers openly discuss suing nations over profits lost to COVID-19 measures: ‘Ticking time bomb’

05/20/2020 Le Courier La lutte anti-Covid au tribunal ?

05/22/2020 Politico Corona lawsuits ahoy

05/26/2020 Euronews (Hungary) Európa egyik legnagyobb illegális forrása, Albánia legalizálni készül a kannabiszt orvosi célra

06/01/2020 The Ecologist Public abundance and the Green New Deal

06/02/2020 Der Spiegel Corona crisis and ISDS lawsuits

06/02/2020 TechDirt Corporate Sovereignty Lawyers Prepare To Sue Governments For Bringing In Measures To Tackle COVID-19 And Save Lives

06/02/2020 SWR Radio (Germany) Internationale Schiedsgerichte – Gefahr für Menschenrechte und Umwelt?

06/27/2020 The Guardian Tory privatisation is at the heart of the UK's disastrous coronavirus response

06/05/2020 Telam (and reprinted by newspapers across Latin America) La AFI denunció «inteligencia ilegal» contra 500 personas durante el gobierno de Macri

06/05/2020 The Canary We can only make a dent in climate change if we radically overhaul our financial systems

06/11/2020 Radio Free Asia (widely reprinted) Myanmar Cautioned About Costly Borrowing From China

06/13/2020 Economic Times Myanmar’s auditor general cautions own govt against Chinese loans 

06/11/2020 RTS Suisse Le gouvernement néerlandais à la recherche des producteurs officiels de cannabis (vidéo)

06/14/2020 Irrawaddy ပို၍ ကောင်းမွန်နိုင်သည့် Covid-19 အရေးပေါ်စီးပွားရေးကုစားမှု အစီအစဉ်အတွက် စဉ်းစားချက်များ

06/23/2020 UOL (and cited widely on blogs across Brazil) Brasil vai em sentido oposto a capitais do mundo que estatizaram saneamento

06/27/2020 La Vanguardia La capital acogerá en septiembre el Encuentro Regional de Ciudades y Transición Energética

06/29/2020 Daily Maverick MAVERICK CITIZEN Civil Society Watch, 29 June – 3 July

07/01/2020 Irrawaddy အာဏာရှင်မြေယာစီမံခန့်ခွဲမှုမှ ဖက်ဒရယ်မြေယာစီမံခန့်ခွဲမှုဆီသို့

07/02/2020 La Vanguardia El Parlament registra una propuesta para crear un centro que vele por los derechos humanos en las empresas

07/04/2020 Der Standard Corona-Maßnahmen bringen Regierungen vor Gericht

07/04/2020 El Confidencial España recusa por parcialidad a árbitros del Ciadi que llevan 1.600 millones en demandas

07/17/2020 SBS Australia Border Force defends handling of coronavirus risk as global report points finger at Australia's asylum seeker treatment

07/18/2020 The Economist Illegal drugs have become deeply rooted in Burmese society

07/16/2020 Mail and Guardian Eskom must lead the energy shift

07/23/2020 Daily Maverick Eskom unbundled: Contradictions in the plan will exacerbate the energy crisis

08/10/2020 UOL Como o atraso do saneamento no Brasil prejudica a saúde e a economia 

08/11/2020 De Volkskrant Dertien Colombianen in een Drentse cocaïnewasserij – zo verrassend is dat niet

08/11/2020 AD (and republished by many regional papers) Wat zoeken Colombianen in Drents drugslab?

08/13/2020 Irish Examiner Around the world we are still building walls

08/17/2020 The Observer Global firms expected to sue UK for coronavirus losses

08/18/2020 The Economist Aung San Suu Kyi has brought Myanmar peace talks, but no peace

08/30/2020 Voice of America (and republished many places) COVID-19 No Match for Southeast Asia's Booming Drug Trade

08/26/2020 Bloomberg Quint Heroin's hidden ingredient is a chemical made by US companies

09/01/2020 Le Courier  Print edition

09/19/2020 Nikkei Asia Big Tech and COVID 19 are fueling networked authoritarianism

09/16/2020 La Vanguardia Encuentro de Ciudades y Transición Energética se celebrará por internet

09/27/2020 Mizzima Myanmar Ethnic Politics and the 2020 General Election

10/20/2020 Irrawaddy ၂၀၂၀ ရွေးကောက်ပွဲလည်း အနိုင်ရသူ အကုန်ယူကြေးပဲလား

10/20/2020 Mizzima Questions raised as pandemic hampers Myanmar election campaigning

10/15/2020 Handelsblatt Musterkodex mit Benimmregeln für öffentliche Unternehmen war längst überfällig

10/26/2020 Le Monde Diplomatique blogs Veolia-Suez : genèse d’une affaire d’État 

10/28/2020 National Geographic Oil drilling, possible fracking planned for Okavango region—elephants’ last stronghold

11/02/2020 Politico ‘I Will Be Left With Nothing’: Why Colombians Are Watching the U.S. Election Closely

10/30/2020 Open Democracy What can the 2019 uprisings in North Africa and West Asia teach us?

11/04/2020 Liberation Susan George: «Trump n’est pas un républicain, il se fiche totalement de la Constitution» 

11/05/2020 Mizzima ETHNIC VOTE: How might it affect the Myanmar elections?

11/07/2020 The Economist Aung San Suu Kyi was supposed to set Burmese democracy free (Print edition)

11/09/2020 BBC (Mandarin) 缅甸大选昂山素季有望连任 五年民主之路光环是否蜕去

11/09/2020 EU Observer EU Commission: EU free-travel overhaul planned

11/16/2020 Euractiv We don’t want to be sued into silence

11/13/2020 Publico Diez propuestas para salir de la pandemia sin que provoque un desastre

11/17/2020 Publico Seis de cada diez personas en el mundo viven en un país que ha levantado muros

11/19/2020 La Vanguardia 60 % de muros se alzaron en últimos 50 años para impedir entrada de migrantes

11/23/2020 The Guardian How can we pay off the global coronavirus debts? Tackle the powerful

01/12/2020 Jacobin The CIA’s Secret Global War Against the Left

12/02/2020 Reason Medical Marijuana Gets the Green Light From the United Nations

12/02/2020 Alrain Morocco Votes ‘Yes’ in Historic UN Vote on Cannabis

02/12/2020 El Diario La ONU reconoce oficialmente las propiedades medicinales del cannabis

12/02/2020 Le Monde L’ONU reconnaît officiellement l’utilité médicale du cannabis

12/04/2020 taz UN-Kommission klassifiziert Cannabis neu

12/04/2020 Middle East Monitor Morocco votes 'Yes' in historic UN vote on rescheduling cannabis

12/04/2020 Alternet The United Nations just held a historic vote on marijuana 

12/09/2020 Morocco World News Tunisia: Government in Turmoil as ‘Devastating’ EU Trade Deal Looms

12/10/2020 Salon In historic vote, the UN no longer considers cannabis one of the most dangerous drugs