Fact Sheet on the Proposal to Discuss International Scheduling of Ketamine at the 58th CND A wide range of national and international civil society organizations have voiced concern about the proposal the schedule ketamine

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Ketamine is an essential medicine used for anaesthesia. It is the only available anaesthetic for essential surgery in most rural areas of developing countries, home to more than 2 billion of the world’s people. Scheduling ketamine will leave these populations with no alternative anaesthesia for essential surgery, and will further deepen the already acute crisis of global surgery.

About fact sheet on the proposal to discuss international scheduling of ketamine at the 58th cnd

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 58th Session, has been asked to review a proposal to place ketamine in Schedule I of the 1971 Convention.


  • The factsheet is also available in French
  • Also read The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies' position.