
Upcoming events

TNI events bring together thinkers and activists to analyse critical global issues and put forward transformative alternatives and solutions. Our focus is transnational, highlighting the global context and dimensions of different crises, as well as profiling the social movements, especially those in the Global South, that are leading struggles for justice.

Missed a recent webinar? Don't worry, we recorded them so you can catch up in the past events section below.

  1. New Global Corporate Elites Reshape Power Dynamics Amid Geopolitical Shifts

    Event date:
    - CET

    Join a critical discussion on how emerging corporate elites are influencing global governance and multilateral frameworks in an era of geopolitical instability.

Past events

  1. NGOs put Dutch government on trial over Gaza Genocide : Palestinian and Dutch organisations are suing the Dutch government over its alleged failure to prevent genocide in Gaza. What's at stake?

    Event date:
    - CET
    Event location: Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam
    NGOs put Dutch government on trial over Gaza Genocide Palestinian and Dutch organisations are suing the Dutch government over its alleged failure to prevent genocide in Gaza. What's at stake?

    The Dutch government faces a lawsuit for failing to prevent genocide in its ties with Israel. Demands include an arms embargo and cutting ties with illegal settlements. Join experts at Pakhuis de Zwijger to discuss the case, its link to F-35 exports, and next steps.

  2. What does the US election mean for global justice movements?

    Event date:
    - CET
    Webinar advert: What does the US election mean for global justice movements?

    What does Trump's victory in the US mean for social movements worldwide? How will it change US foreign policy and the trajectory of US imperialism? Will it strengthen far-right forces globally? What new challenges and opportunities does it pose to movements fighting for social and environmental justice outside the US?

  3. TNI 50th Anniversary Celebration: Brussels Edition

    Event date:
    - CET
    Flyer brussels event
    Event type: Event
    Event location: Sounds Jazz Club, Rue da la Tulipe 28, Brussels

    Join us in Brussels as we celebrate TNI’s 50th anniversary with those who have been our allies over the past 50 years, as we continue to advocate for people and the planet in the years to come!

  4. Teach-in on Daniel Jadue

    Event date:
    - CET
    Event flyer
    Event type: Webinar
    Event location: ZOOM

    Daniel Jadue is a former activist mayor of Recoleta, the immigrant district of Santiago, Chile. During his term, he implemented many radical municipalist reforms including setting up a people’s university, libraries, and pharmacies that sold medication at cost. Sadly, he’s the victim of a rightwing attack on his people’s pharmacies and has been incarcerated since June 2024. He is currently under house arrest.