Russia under Yeltsin and Putin Neo-liberal Autocracy

Russia has undergone enormous changes since the 1980s. In this volume Boris Kagarlitsky provides an introductory analysis of the major political and economic transformations that have taken place under President Yeltsin, and the legacy he bequeathed so unexpectedly to his successor, Vladimir Putin.


Article by

TNI/Pluto Press, March 2002


Russia has undergone enormous changes since the 1980s. In this volume Boris Kagarlitsky provides an introductory analysis of the major political and economic transformations that have taken place under President Yeltsin, and the legacy he bequeathed so unexpectedly to his successor, Vladimir Putin. Kagarlitsky focuses on the role of the media in post-Soviet Russia, corporate structures and their influence on social conflict, the formation of the oligarchy and the role of the left in modern Russia. Chapters focus on the Russian intelligentsia between "Westernism" and "Patriotism"; the rise of the Yeltsin regime, the twilight of the "Second Republic", the drift to the left in the late 1990s, and the future of Putin's government. In a country with such a turbulent and violent past, what routeshould development take, and what lies ahead?