The West and the Muslim World: The Muslim Position


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Six Muslim academics share their perspectives on the major issues affecting relations between the Muslim world and the West

About the west and the muslim world: the muslim position

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Authors: Salwa Bakr, Prof. Basem Ezbidi, Prof. Hanam kassab-Hassan, Prof. Fikret Karcic, Mazhar Zaidi, Dato' Jawhar Hassan

This report appears as yet another series of tragic episodes unfolds in the history of the relations between the Muslim world and the West. The attacks of September 11 not only traumatized the US, but marked the beginning of a new era. It was followed by the campaign against international terrorism, the strike against Afghanistan, the war and occupation of Iraq, and US threats against Syria and Iran. Although none of these events were officially carried out by either "Islam" or the "West" as such, but by specific actors from the Muslim and Western worlds, they together contributed to widening the already existing rift between the two sides. The present volatile situation dramatically demonstrates the crucial necessity for both the Muslim and Western societies to comprehend the issues dividing them and the factors leading to misunderstanding, tension, and conflict.

This publication distinguishes itself from others in that it gives a Muslim perspective of the major issues affecting relations between the Muslim world and the West. It embodies the work of six intellectuals and academics; three from the Middle East, one from Europe, one from South Asia, and one from Southeast Asia. These women and men come from different historical, cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds and also represent diverse disciplines.

During the joint work on this report, they surprisingly discovered that they share a remarkable similarity of views regarding some of the primary problems characterizing the relations between the Muslim world and the West, and have common ideas about the measures that could be taken to address and resolve these issues. One way to help narrow the gap between both sides could be through an intensification of interaction and dialogue. It should be noted that in the contemporary Muslim world, characterized by cultural, ethnic and ideological diversity, there is not always full agreement over the characterization and intensity of issues discussed in this report.

Fair and balanced communication and interaction between two sides can energize and enhance the type of understanding that allows for peace and cooperation. However, in order for such dialogue to achieve the intended objectives, it must be based from the Outset on the premise that neither side is required to transform its thoughts or behavior. Instead, these must be allowed to remain useful and legitimate qualities, in the eyes of the other side as well. The question then will cease to be who is better or superior, but acknowledges and legitimises the other in their respective pursuit of expressing and manifesting the self, and who does not. This would allow for the respective thoughts and behaviours to be enriched and enhanced. Neither side would need to set aside their beliefs, but must express them in this dialogue, in the hope that they would reveal their nature to one another and that in due course they would find it possible to overcome their differences. Under such conditions, dialogue would probably be able to transform negative perceptions and stereotypes and to substitute animosity and hostility with understanding and cooperation. Serious dialogue and interaction allow not only for present and future tensions and conflicts to be overcome in a peaceful manner, they also enhance stability and development. Thus, it fosters an atmosphere in which good governance (as manifested by democracy) and respect for human rights are more attainable. This report is our attempt to stimulate such a meaningful dialogue.

The report can be downloaded from the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen in (PDF):
