How climate change is being militarised Newsletter September

A caravan of various security forces cruises through the flooded streets of the 9th Ward distrtict of New Orleans, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

A caravan of various security forces cruises through the flooded streets of the 9th Ward distrtict of New Orleans, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Ten years on: Katrina, militarisation and climate change

Hurricane Katrina was a watershed moment as it exposed how democratic states are moving towards treating social and environmental crises as security issues, rather than matters of social justice. This vision of 'Homeland Security' is now dominating our political response to climate change impacts.

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Shadow Sovereigns

Lobbying has long been part of the political landscape. But in recent years links between big business and government have become stronger and more far-reaching than ever. Find out more about Susan George's latest book on how global corporations are seizing power. 

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Leaked EU memorandum reveals renewed attempt at imposing water privatisation on Greece


The stubborn and aggressive imposition of privatisation by Troika goes against the will of Greek citizens and represents a direct attack on democracy. Read more »






How TiSA strolls off with our services

While TTIP is currently attracting the most attention, more trade agreements are looming. In July, world leaders holed themselves up in back rooms to discuss TiSA, an extensive service agreement intended to put (public) services, like the water supply, in the hands of the international market. Read more »




Ethnic Politics and the 2015 elections in Myanmar

As Myanmar heads to the polls in November 2015, it remains unclear whether the new political space created by the transition away from military rule will bring significant legislative power to ethnic nationality-based parties. Read the report »

Assessment of 6th draft of the National Land Use Policy (NLUP)

An assessment of the 6th draft of Myanmar's National Land Use Policy. While it has taken on board many of the concerns and recommendations raised by the public during the consultation process, and includes several key issues that would greatly improve Myanmar's land governance arrangements. However, some serious concerns remain. Read more »

Tribute to Praful Bidwai (1949 - 2015)

Our dear friend Praful died this summer. In honour of his kind personality and impressive legacy we have gathered tributes from all over the world. Read more »

Who was Eqbal Ahmed?

A profile of TNI's first ever director. Read more »

En Español

Sólo la ciudadanía puede frenar la grave amenaza del TTIP

El TTIP es un peligro indiscutible, pero puede ser derrotado por una ciudadanía bien informada y activa.

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Mayores aspiraciones: la política más allá de las urnas

Igual que con el referéndum escocés, la derrota electoral se puede transformar en un éxito político; un nuevo movimiento está surgiendo en el Reino Unido.

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Aproximación a la dinámica política de los cultivos y las materias primas flexibles

Jennifer Franco, Jun Borras, Pietje Vervest, S. Ryan Isakson, Les Levidow - Este documento de debate presenta un análisis preliminar del concepto y fenómeno de los "cultivos y las materias primas flexibles", fundamentado en un análisis anterior e inicial y una idea resumida presentada por algunos de los autores y autoras de este trabajo. Leer más »


Pueden hacer lo que se les antoje

Susan George - Al preguntarle a Susan George qué han aprendido los bancos del colapso financiero de 2008, su reacción es inmediata: "pueden hacer lo que se les antoje". Leer más »


Seminario Radical community manager en Ámsterdam

Sol Trumbo Vila - El colectivo español Xnet que ayudó a arrestar al exdirector general del FMI estuvo en Ámsterdam compartiendo sus conocimientos, instrumentos y estrategias con movimientos sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de toda Europa. Leer más »


Nuevo sitio web del TNI

Tessa Kersten - El Transnational Institute tiene un nuevo sitio web. También presentamos un nuevo diseño y estilo editorial. Leer más »