Media Review 2016

TNI dandelion

Deutsche Welle (Germany), December 20th: Acuerdo UE-Ecuador: libre comercio y sus bemoles

NRC (The Netherlands), December 16th: Vergeten handelsverdragen

Duurzaam Nieuws (The Netherlands), December 14thStaatssecretaris Van Dam danste naar pijpen bedrijfsleven bij goedkeuring glyfosaat

Publico (Portugal), December 11th: Europa, a última fronteira

ABC (Australia), December 8th: Multinationals launch 50 lawsuits worth $31b against Asian nations

The Guardian (UK), December 6th: Chile can seek extradition of agents wanted in 1976 US attack, court rules

Basta! (France), December 6th: L’hyper concentration de terres aux mains d’une « élite » n’épargne aucun pays européen

Daily Mail (UK), December 6th: Chile court OK's extradition in 1976 car bombing in US

Digi24 (Romania), December 5th: Fermă uriaşă, cât Insula Mare a Brăilei, deținută de libanezi

Romania TV (Romania), December 5th: Studiu: România, cel mai afectat stat european de vânzarea pământului către străini

Economica (Romania), December 4th: Vânzarea pământului românesc către străini îngrijorează Europa. Acapararea terenurilor ajunge pe masa Comisiei

Politico (Belgium), December 3rd: POLITICO Brussels Playbook Plus: Oettinger’s ever changing travel story — When Castro hijacked a Commission presser

Die Welt (Germany), November 29th: EU ringt um TTIP – und fördert zugleich die Gegner

Frontier (Myanmar), November 28th: A fix for drug policy?

Time (USA), November 23rd: 'We Cannot Believe Aung San Suu Kyi': Why Many in Burma Are Losing Hope of Peace

Irrawaddy (Myanmar), November 19th: ခေတ်သစ်မြေပိုင်ရှင်ကြီးများနဲ့ မြန်မာ့ ဖွံ့ဖြိုးမှု အကွေ့အကောက်

24 Hodin (Slovakia), November 13th: Začína konferencia COSAC, referovať budú R. Fico aj R. Kaliňák

openDemocracy (UK), November 7th: When a tiger has no value

Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji (Latvia), November 6th: Nīderlandē iespējams referendums par ES un Kanādas tirdzniecības līgumu

Straits Times (Singapore), November 6th: New Dutch referendum looms targeting EU-Canada pact

Radio France Internationale (France), November 11th: New Dutch referendum looms targeting EU-Canada pact

Euractiv (Belgium), November 4th: Dutch referendum petition launched to oppose CETA ratification

Volkskrant (The Netherlands), November 3rd: CETA zal sneuvelen door gebrek aan draagvlak

NRC (The Netherlands), November 2nd: Komt er na Oekraïne nu een referendum over CETA?

NRC (The Netherlands), November 2nd: 189.000 nee-stemmers zijn al binnen

EU Observer (Belgium), October 28th: Wallonia's heroic stand against Ceta is a stand for democracy

The Guardian (UK), October 28th: Studying development: seven tips for your master's

NOS (The Netherlands), October 27th: 'We hebben alles klaarstaan voor een referendum over CETA'

Le Courrier (Switzerland), October 25th: Mobilisation contre l’impunité des sociétés transnationales

NPO (The Netherlands), October 21th: Goedemorgen Nederland

The Citizen (India), October 21th: Found In The Dark: Myanmar's Regressive Drug Policies Must Change

Shan Herald (Myanmar), October 20th: Myanmar: The Dilemma of Ceasefires but No Peace

Kachinland News (Myanmar), October 20th: The Dilemma of Ceasefires but No Peace

Irrawaddy (Myanmar), October 20th: The Dilemma of Ceasefires Without Peace

Burmanet (Myanmar), October 19th: TNI: Myanmar- The dilemma of ceasefires but no peace – Lahpai Seng Raw

Het Parool (The Netherlands), October 18th: Protest op Museumplein tegen handelsverdragen Ceta & Ttip (The Netherlands), October 18th: EU-stemming over vrijhandelsverdrag CETA uitgesteld

The Wire (India), October 17th: Privatising India’s Water Is a Bad Idea

La Diaria (Uruguay), October 17th: Los militares y el cambio climático

The Jakarta Post (Indonesia), October 12th: World Culture Forum: Local knowledge bridges development gap

Shan Herald (Myanmar), October 12th: The Impact of Drug Law Enforcement Practices in Myanmar

The New York Times (USA), October 12th: Violence Mounts in Restive Myanmar State, Leaving a Dozen Dead

Vox (USA), October 12th: The DEA won’t ban kratom after all

RTL (The Netherlands), October 11th: Kamer steunt omstreden handelsverdrag CETA

Sol (Turkey), October 10th: SYRIZA'dan satılık Yunanistan: Alexis'in kravatı, Margaret'in peruğu

The Globe and Mail (Canada), October 3rd: Oct. 3: Very friendly fire. Plus other letters to the editor

Monitorul (Romania), September 27: Donţu propune introducerea de noi reguli la achiziţionarea de terenuri de către cetăţenii străini

Suceava News (Romania), September 25th: Senatorul Donțu propune condiții de reciprocitate la vânzarea terenurilor către cetățenii străini

Publico (Spain), September 19th: Seis claves del blindaje de las empresas en el 'TTIP canadiense'

El Diario (Spain), September 19th: "Las transnacionales incurren en violaciones de los derechos humanos y causan empobrecimiento"

Washington Post (USA), September 15th: The DEA wants to ban another plant. Researchers say the plan is ‘insane.’

Publico (Spain), September 12th: Enfrentando los crímenes impunes de las empresas transnacionales

Foreign Policy (USA), September 9th: Can Aung San Suu Kyi Bring an End to Civil War in Myanmar?

Myanmar Times (Myanmar), September 8th: ‘Customs agents intercept drug shipment of 20m pills from India’

Jordan Times (Jordan), August 31st: ‘Customs agents intercept drug shipment of 20m pills from India’

Voice of America (USA), August 29th: Excluded Myanmar Rebel Groups Highlight Challenges for NLD

South China Morning Post (China), August 27th: WILL MYANMAR’S ECONOMY EVER KICK ITS OPIUM HABIT?

Arbejderen (Denmark), August 25th: Hemmelige kontrakter og dyre regninger

Chinese Global Times (China), August 19th: 昂山访华待遇罕见 外媒:仅次于普京

SBS (Australia), August 19th: Aung San Suu Kyi arrives in China

Sri Lanka Guardian (Sri Lanka), August 18th: China in Burma: From Malacca Dilemma to Transition Dilemma

DKNYT (Denmark), August 18th: 37 lande har krævet vand tilbage på offentlige hænder

Mizzima (Myanmar), August 18thAung San Suu Kyi’s Visit to Beijing: Recalibrating Myanmar’s China Policy

Gulf News (UAE), August 13th: So little has changed in Australia’s posture towards asylum-seekers

The Guardian (UK), August 12th: Dark past: so little has changed in Australia's posture towards asylum seekers

The Straits Times (Singapore), August 6th: A failing drug war triggers new approach in Thailand and Myanmar

The Independent (Bangladesh), August 4th: Who profits as the EU militarises its borders?

Krónika online (Romania), August 4th: „Földbe döngölnék” a külföldi vásárlókat

Inverse (USA), August 3rd: Why Is Coca Leaf Left Out of the Drug Research Renaissance?

The National (UAE), August 1st: Who profits as the EU militarises its borders?

Open Democracy (UK), July 30th: Migration – follow the money

The Guardian (UK), July 28th: Who really won the legal battle between Philip Morris and Uruguay?

IRIN (Switzerland), July 22nd: Myanmar and China’s on-again-off-again relationship

La Repubblica (Italy), July 15th: Frontiere ed export di armi: i profitti dei produttori con la crisi dei rifugiati

Asia Sentinel (Hong Kong), July 15th: Myanmar’s Best Chance for Internal Peace

Basta! (France), July 8th: Ventes d’armes au Moyen Orient : les profiteurs de guerre sont Européens


Telesur (Venezuela), July 4th: ¿Quiénes se benefician de la tragedia de los refugiados?

Agora Vox (Italy), July 4th: Le aziende europee di armamenti traggono profitti dalla crisi dei rifugiati

Telesur (Venezuela), July 4th: Report: European Arms Dealers Profiting from Refugee Crisis

Il Fatto Quotidiano (Italy), July 4th: Industria bellica, ong: “Chi vende armi ai Paesi in guerra guadagna con controlli alle frontiere Ue. Anche Finmeccanica”

EuroZprá (Czech Republic), July 4th: Kdo skutečně pohání migrační krizi? Tohle se musí změnit, jinak uprchlíci budou přicházet dál 

Ara (Spain), July 4th: Els fabricants d’armes també fan negoci tancant les fronteres als refugiats

L'Espresso (Italy), July 4th: Così i giganti delle armi fanno affari con la militarizzazione delle frontiere (Romania), July 1st: Studiu UE: Aproape jumătate din terenul agricol al României este deţinut de cetăţeni străini. Statul nu are date oficiale

The Citizen (India), June 30th: Border Wars: EU's Security Industry Booms Around "Illegal Migrants" Bogey, Corporations Register Big Profit

Le Monde Diplomatique (France), June 28th: Grande braderie en Grèce

The Citizen (India), June 22nd: Aung San Suu Kyi Follows Military Junta, Insists World Should Not Use 'Rohingya' in Official Discourse

The Guardian (UK), June 22nd: The opium bulbs of Myanmar: drug crop or lifeline for poor farmers?

El País (Spain), June 21st: Empresas y derechos humanos: porqué la autorregulación no funciona

Telesur (Venezuela), June 2nd: Netherlands Is the Tax Haven of Choice for Global Arms Dealers

Philippine Star (Philippines), May 29th: New free trade deals threaten regulation of Phl mining

Manila Bulletin (Philippines), May 29th: PH’s investment treaties threaten mining rules – report

Telesur (Venezuela), May 24th: Netherlands Ranks Worst in Tax Governance Among EU Nations

The Guardian (UK), May 19th: Proposed EU trade treaty threatens progressive laws, say campaigners

NRC (The Netherlands), May 18th: Nederland werft medestanders voor omstreden arbitragesysteem

Myanmar Times (Myanmar), May 18th: Solving Myanmar’s drug trade means involving militias in the peace process

Boulder Weekly (USA), May 12th: Crossing the threshold: Colorado’s role in ending the infamous war on drugs

Telesur (Venezuela), April 29th: Disaster Capitalism: Ecuador Forced to Pay US Oil Giant $180M

Open Democracy (UK), April 26th: ‘Symbol of life’: where taking drugs is a sacred act

Myanmar Times (Myanmar), April 26th: New agreement brings no end to war on drugs in ASEAN

Truthout (USA), April 24th: The Commons Collaborative Economy Explodes in Barcelona (USA), April 22nd: Mexican President Reverses Course, Now Supports 'Medicinal Marijuana'

NPO Radio 1 (The Netherlands), April 22nd: Eerder Gehoord: War on Drugs

Volkskrant (The Netherlands), April 20th: Moeizame veranderingen na de War on Drugs

NOS (The Netherlands), April 19th: NL drugsbeleid voorbeeld voor de wereld, maar is dat wel zo?

O Globo (Brazil), April 16th: Grupo pedirá fim da repressão ao cultivo de plantas proibidas na ONU

Telesur (Venezuela), April 7th: Empty Rhetoric: Europe Is 2nd Military Importer from Israel

Myanmar Times (Myanmar), April 7th: Advocacy groups call for drug policy reset ahead of UN meet

Mail & Guardian Africa (South Africa), April 6th: Who's afraid of privatisation in Africa? The successes, heartbreaks, and (sometimes bizarre) reversals

Time (USA), April 1st: Burma’s Transition to Civilian Rule Hasn’t Stopped the Abuses of Its Ethnic Wars

Daily Beast (USA), February 27th: Is Kratom the New Bath Salts?

Elsevier (The Netherlands), February 11th: Deze organisaties hopen op referendum over CETA in 2018

Volkskrant (The Netherlands), February 11th: CETA zal sneuvelen door gebrek aan draagvlak

Algemeen Dagblad (The Netherlands), February 11th: Kans op CETA-referendum wordt steeds groter

AT5 (The Netherlands), February 3rd: Eurocommissaris Malmstrőm verwelkomd door TTIP-activisten (The Netherlands), February 3rd: Eurocommissaris Malmstrőm verwelkomd door TTIP-activisten

National Geographic (USA), February 1st: See Inside the Himalayan Villages That Grow Cannabis