Ruling party MPs return guns, alleged drug ties to 2015 race

The Irrawaddy - This November, several pro-government militia leaders elected in Burma’s 2010 election are seeking a return to office on the Union Solidarity and Development Party ticket.

A subsequent Shan Herald article described Myint Lwin as head of the Ta Moe Nye militia, as did a 2012 report from the Transnational Institute (TNI), which noted that he controls a firm with a similar name, Ta Moe Nye Chan Thar Company, and is heavily involved in the resource extraction sector in Shan State. Those business activities, according to TNI, appear to have benefited from Myint Lwin’s close ties to former junta strongman Than Shwe, a relationship that began in the 1970s when the latter was stationed in northern Shan State.

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