Sanctions against Rhodesia: Diplomatic Farce, or Economic and Legal Means to raise moral and material support for the Southern African Liberation Movements?


The seminar was held in Amsterdam 29th and 30th November 1974 at the Municipal University of Amsterdam. The report contains all the papers presented for discussion by the liberation movements of Zimbabwe, the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) and the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU), Anti Apartheid and other experts, with summaries, discussion of papers presented and conclusions for a way forward during a final plenary session.

Table of Contents of the file:

  1. Opening Welcome and Introductory. Remarks by the Seminar Chairperson, Berend Schuitema, General Secretary of the Dutch AAM
  2. The Significance of the Sanctions Campaign for the Liberation Movemen.t By Philemon Makonese, ZAPU
  3. Armed Struggle of the People of Zimbabwe. By TJP Jokonya, (ZANU)
  4. Recent Developments in Mozambique and South Africa and their implications for the struggle of the Zimbabwe People. By John Sprack and Mike Terry, British AAM.
  5. The United Nations and Sanctions Policy on Rhodesia. By Abdul Minty, Honorary Secretary of the British AAM.
  6. The Significance and Legal Implications of the Sanctions Campaign for Progressive Movements in Western Countries. By Annemieke Gerritsma, Sanctions Task Team Dutch Anti apartheid Movement.
  7. ICFTU Involvement with Sanctions and Trade Union Rights in Rhodesia. By Mr. Andrew M. Kailembo
  8. Final Plenary Session
  9. Press Release - Joint Statement by ZANU and ZAPU
  10. Closing speech by Mr. Relus ter Beek (MP) Dutch Labour Party.