Survey: What type of land policy should EU development cooperation support?

While all agree that land policy is a key for fighting hunger, the crucial and controversial question is: Who and what should be supported and funded? 
We, a European Alliance of Farmers organisations and NGOs, would like to know your opinion on this specific but important issue. Please take 5 minutes for the following 5 questions. We will inform you on the result after the expiry of the poll (approx. 3 to 5 month).

Land policy matters!

According to the UN the lack of sufficient and secure access to land and natural resources by the rural poor is one of the main causes of hunger and poverty in the world. The European Union is the biggest single donor in development cooperation. Over the last years, the EU funded 54 development projects related to land issues (tenure, policies, governance), amounting to a total of 364 million euros. 

Backgroundpaper on land policy