The 4-letter catastrophe that is haunting Latin America Corporate Colonialism through ISDS

Countries not abiding by corporate rules? No problem, foreign investors have got a powerful tool at hand to get it their way: Investor-State Dispute Settlement, commonly known as ISDS, is a mechanism inscribed in many Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). If governments decide to change regulations to better protect the environment or our climate, if they cancel mining concession due to social unrest, next thing you know, your country is being served with a corporate claim often worth hundreds of millions of dollars. ISDS is shrinking policy space all around the world, but there is one region particularly affected: Latin America and the Caribbean. 


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This corporate catastrophe can and must be stopped. In times in which countries and even entire country blocks such as the European Union are deciding to exit investment protection deals due to their detrimental impacts on policies thought to protect people, the environment and our climate, all governments world-wide must act and exit investment protection deals that contain ISDS provisions.