The Truth About Myanmar's New Ceasefire Agreement

The Diplomat - The recently concluded nationwide ceasefire agreement is a step in the right direction.

Guido Jelmsa

Thirdly, the ethnic groups’ deep seated mistrust toward the military prevents them from going all-in, so to speak, out of fear that their position to negotiate with the government in the future might be compromised. Critics highlight the Myanmar military’s declared “six-point principle” which stipulates that all ethnic armed groups signing the ceasefire agreement must adhere to the controversial 2008 constitution, a particular sticking point for most ethnic groups. The constitution institutionalizes the military in governance and awards the most powerful ministries to the military. According to the Transnational Institute’s Myanmar Policy Briefing, the sentiment among ethnic groups was that “acceptance of the present political system could mean envelopment in a constitutional straitjacket that will make meaningful dialogue impossible.”

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