TNI at COP21 - Paris
Many of the TNI staff, researchers and fellows will be in Paris during the 21st Climate Conference. Activities that they will attend or hold themselves will be listed on this page.
Note that not all dates and locations are set in stone. Please check back here for regular updates.
4/5 December
Wars, Military, Climate
Different conferences and workshops about: Relationship between climate/ecological crises, conflicts/conflictuality, and military activities: - Military activities, their immediate or potential impact on environment, on-going strategies and strategic projections, future weapons policies. - Impact of security/military responses toenvironmental crises: the "crisis amplifier" effects on vulnerable groups, the relationship with conflicts, the winners and losers.
4-12 at CICP, 21 ter rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris
5 and 6-12 at People’s Climate Summit in Montreuil.
TNI, Scientists for Global Responsibility, ATTAC, Friends of the Earth, (Helsinki Citizens' Assembly HCA-France), IPAM network (Initiatives for Another World), among others
Rights of Nature Tribunal
Popular Tribunal by Global alliance for the Rights of Nature
9 am - 6.30 pm. Maison des Métallos 94, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud, 75011 Paris
5 December
System Change not Climate Change: Uniting struggles for climate justice, rejecting false solutions, and changing the system
Workshop at Peoples Summit, Montreuil
1.30-3.30 pm, Peoples Climate Summit in Montreuil, “Marie de Montreuil”, La Parole Errante
Launch of The Secure and the Dispossessed, Confronting the Militarisation of Climate Change
4:30 - 6:30 Montreuil
Trade, Investment, Climate Change & Corporate Power
Workshop at Peoples Summit, Montreuil
Peoples Climate Summit in Montreuil, Marie de Montreuil
6 December
Peoples Sovereignty vs Corporate Impunity
Workshop. Peoples Solutions to climate crisis include the resistance to the corporate capture of territories and institutions. The process of building a Peoples Treaty to stop corporate impunity is one important step in this struggle. We will discuss the different elements and proposals of the Peoples Treaty and the process to build it.
10 -12 AM, Montreuil (Peoples Climate Summit), Lycee Jean Jaures, Salle 406
Towards a UN Binding Treaty on TNCs & Stopping the Trade-Investment Regime and Climate Change
- The workshop will:
- Listen to the testimonies of affected communities who resist corporate impunity in the Global South and Europe, and their priorities for a treaty
- Update on the Treaty Process at the UN and on current campaigning activities, in Europe and internationally
- Explore jointly the links and opportunity for collaboration between the UN Binding Treaty and Trade-Investment and Climate Change struggles.
2-4 PM, Treaty Alliance, Montreuil (Peoples Climate Summit), Lycee Jean Jaures, Salle 406
8 December
Frontline fight back
Join us for a conversation about our climate justice movement-building future led by frontline communities resisting dirty energy & false solutions and creating real peoples’ solutions to the climate crisis.
6-8 PM, Bourse du Travail (union building), 3 rue du Château d'eau salle Jean Jaurès (Place de la Republique).
FOEI, TNI, GGJ, among others
The Blue Carbon mechanism and dispossession of fishing communities
We have to conclude that the leaders have failed on finding solutions to climate crisis. When leaders meet in Paris for COP21, we now what to expect: their proposals to combat climate change builds on privatisation and financialisation of nature and in the specific context of fisheries, the new false solution is called Blue Carbon.
3 PM, Centquatre,
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers, World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers, Afrika Kontakt, Transnational Institute
Convergence assembly: trade/climate and corporate power
21 Rue Voltaire, 75011, CICP (Center of Paris)
9 December
Energy Democracy: How can we regain control over our energy system? A question of ownership.
Panel discussion
2-4 pm, Centquatre, 5 rue Curial, 75019 Paris (Climate Action Zone), Ground floor (Room next to the restaurant)
RLS in cooperation with Social Action Nigeria, Berliner Energietisch, Transnational Institute
Meeting on trade and climate work
Strategy meeting
CICP (Center of Paris)
10 December
Cooling the Planet: Frontline Communities lead the struggle. A public meeting by the Global Convergence of Land and Water Struggles
At this public event, you will get the unique opportunity to listen to and engage in conversations with representatives of frontline communities from all regions of the world. These leaders of the struggle for climate justice participate in panel sessions and will discuss the false solutions to the climate crisis of the UNFCCC, the real solutions which are rooted in peoples' knowledge and experiences, and how the Global Convergence on Land and Water Struggles can advance the struggle for systemic change.
1-5 PM, Salle Olympe de Gouge, Metro Voltaire (line 9)
Land and Water Convergence + HoTL Alliance
Trade- investment and climate Mobilization Assembly