TNI in 1975





Start of IPS Transnational Links, published ten times a year. Editor is Bettina Conner. Contributing editors: Richard Barnet, Marcus Raskin, James Ridgeway and Arthur Waskow.

Michael Klare is at TNI for a month, lecturing in Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm, Munich and London. TNI, in collaboration with IPS, have an unorthodox PhD programme, which is accredited by the Union of Graduate Schools in the USA. Michael Klare is the first one to graduate from this programme.


7 February


Caroline Heikens starts the organisation of six seminars on Feminism & Socialism.


7-9 March


Fellows' Meeting.




Oaxtepec, Mexico - TNI's Latin America group in Washington co-organises a colloquium on 'The Future of US-Latin American Relations' in cooperation with the Center for Economic Development in Mexico (CIDE). Coordinator of IPS/TNI's Latin America programme is Roberta Salper.




Conference on the Media, coordinated by Herbert Schiller.


14 June


Fellows' Meeting in London.


30 July


First Latin American Roundtable (TNIIPS) with Abraham Lowenthal, Assistant Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations on US-Cuba politics in Washington. Saul Landau's film 'Fidel' is shown.




Conference on Atlantic Europe? The Radical View, organised by Tom Nairn. The proceedings will be published in a book with the same title (Spring 1976).

Paresh and Savithri Chattopadhyay become fellows. Savithri starts work on 'Society and Politics in India' for TNI's Third World project, Paresh on the New Economic Order, together with Orlando Letelier and Michael Moffitt.


1-6 September


International Conference on 'Institutional Alternatives in Health Care'.


10 September


Second Latin America Roundtable with Sergio Bitar, former Minister under Allende.


20-22 September


Planning Board Meeting.




TNI hosts an exhibition of pictures by Jean Mohr.

Jean Mohr, 1980
photo by Richard Derviaz
from: Another Way of Telling by John Berger & Jean Mohr




Another Dutch group set up offices at TNI. Stomp wants to set up an international centre for research into militarism in Europe, movements among script soldiers, and anti-NATO resistance.

Nikolinakos, editor of Race & Class, is a frequent visitor to the TNI office in Amsterdam while organising a migrant labour conference held in the Netherlands.

A start is made with the Encyclopedia Project, coordinated by Susan Buck Morss. (The project is abandoned in 1978).