TNI in 1981

Conference, organised by TNI fellow Mary Kaldor and TNI associate Dan Smith, with the Appeal for European Nuclear Disarmament (END), where researchers examine proposals for disarmament, non-alignment and new forms of defense.


1 March


First of a seminar series on 'State and Nation Formation in North East Africa'.


27 March


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'The Reagan Presidency and the Third World' with Peter Weiss, Marcus Raskin, Richard Barnet, Saul Landau, Eqbal Ahmad, Basker Vashee, Joyce and Gabriel Kolko and Isabel Letelier, held at the Populier.




Interview with Marcus Raskin and Peter Weiss on Reagans domestic policy (Dutch)

Introduction texts to the Samuel Rubin Seminars Spring 1981


9-12 April


Conference on 'Women in NATO Military', where 17 participants from West Germany, the Netherlands, Britain, Norway, the United States, Canada and Israel convene in Amsterdam to describe and analyse women in militaries, with a special focus on women recruited into the militaries allied in NATO. The meeting is sponsored by the Feminism/Socialism Project of TNI. Women activists and researchers from Norway, Britain, West Germany, the United States, Israel and the Netherlands participate. The proceedings are edited by Wendy Chapkis and published by TNI in English (LOADED QUESTIONS) and Dutch (IN WAPENROK).


24-25 April


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Central America: El Salvador' with Margaret Randall, E.V.K. Fitzgerald (senior economic advisor to the Nicaraguan government, professor at the ISS) and a representative of El Frente.


23 April-14 May


Photo Exhibition on Nicaragua and El Salvador from Koen Wessing and Susan Meiselas with public festive opening.


8-9 May


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Opposition in ASEAN' with representatives of opposition movements from Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.




Conference, organised by TNI fellow Mary Kaldor and TNI associate Dan Smith, with the Appeal for European Nuclear Disarmament (END), where researchers examine proposals for disarmament, non-alignment and new forms of defense. Kaldor and Smith, both members of the END Coordinating Committee, edit the papers into the book 'DISARMING EUROPE', published in 1982.


22-23 May


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Middle East: Israel and Palestine' with Edward Said and a representative of the Israeli New Outlook.


5-6 June


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'The East-South Connection: Eastern Block and the Third World' with Fred Halliday, David Baytelman (professor at the ISS) and Bela Kádár (professor of economics at the University of Budapest), co-organised with the Werkgroep Oost-Europa Projekten (WOEP).


21 September


The 5th Annual Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Human Rights Awards Ceremony is being held in Washington DC. This year's recipients are Jacobo Zimmerman and the Congregation of Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic.


24 September


In honour of Letelier and Moffitt a movie is shown at TNI, entitled "Debts". Marcos Arruda gives an accompanying lecture.


7 October-1 June


Orlando Letelier and Samuel Rubin Seminar Series, held at the Populier.


7 October


Orlando Letelier Seminar: 'Women and the New Right' with Barbara Ehrenreich, Romaine Rutnam and Irene Breughel.


4 November


Orlando Letelier Seminar: 'Nuclear War in Europe' with William Arkin, former officer in US army and now with IPS, and Oskar Lafontaine, mayor of Saarbrucken and in the board of the SPD in Germany.


2 December


Orlando Letelier Seminar: 'Who Support Thatcher and Reagan?' with Stuart Hall and Robert Borosage.




Publication of "The Spike"
Review in Dutch