TNI in 1982

TNI organises a major conference, 'European Parliamentary Conference on South African Destabilisation Efforts', for parliamentarians in The Hague, where government ministers from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola deliver briefings on the South African government's economic and military destabilisation of their nations.


13 January


Orlando Letelier Seminar: 'All Power to the Rich' with economist Ernest Mandel and Lawrence Harris, lecturer at Open University London.


25-29 January


TNI Fellows' Meeting in Washington DC (postponed fall '81 meeting).




TNI devotes its Samuel Rubin Seminars to the topic of 'Democracy in the Third World'. The seminars explore the applicability of Northern industrial forms of democracy for countries in the South.


3 February


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Our Money or Your Life' with IMF Director Witteveen and Michael Moffitt, IPS.


3 March


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'An Independent Third World' with Michael Manley and Jan Pronk.


1 April


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Food as a Weapon' with Susan George and Sicco Mansholt.


1 June


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Supplying Repression' with Michael Klare and Mary Kaldor (end of series).


22 June


Seminar on "A Critical Examination of the Vietnamese Experience since 1975" at TNI, organised by Anne Koch.


26 June


Seminar entitled "The Third World's Own What to Development", with Michael Manley and Jan Pronk.




TNI organises a major conference, 'European Parliamentary Conference on South African Destabilisation Efforts', for parliamentarians in The Hague, where government ministers from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Angola deliver briefings on the South African government's economic and military destabilisation of their nations. They receive important pledges of support from the assembled parliamentarians.


2 September


TNI director Basker Vashee receives a negative answer from the Dutch Minister of Internal Affairs on his request to get information about the BVD's (Dutch secret service) activities towards TNI.


3 and 9 September


On the occasion of the second anniversary of the military coup in Turkey, TNI organises with publishers Het Wereldvenster and De Populier seminars on Turkey: the economy, the future of trade unions and politics in general. Contributions are given by Leo van Velzen, Wiecher Smit, Martin van Bruinessen and S.H. Kaya.


21 September


The 6th Annual Letelier-Moffitt Memorial Human Rights Awards Ceremony is being held in Washington DC. This year's recipients are Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns from Brasil and the Infant Formula Action Coalition (INFACT), founded in 1977 to bring the attention of the world to the unethical and dangerous promotion of artificial formula in the Third World by multinational corporations.


21 September-12 October


Exhibition at TNI of batik work by Lisa Kokin on the occasion of the Letelier-Moffitt Memorial, with festive opening. (Press coverage: Volkskrant, Waarheid, Uitgaan.)

Click here to see more




3-day conference on "Of Common Cloth. Women in the Global Textile Industry" at the Amsterdam Center, organised by TNI associate fellow Wendy Chapkis. 26 women academics, labour activists, workers and researchers from 14 different countries meet to analyse the international textile business and develop organising strategies.




Conference on 'Military Conversion', co-sponsored by the Science Policy Research Unit of the University of Sussex. Workers and peace researchers from Britain, Italy and Germany discuss conversion from military to socially useful production within the aircraft industry.




Conference on 'Alternative Forms of Support for Nicaragua' at the Amsterdam Center. Nicaraguan Vice-Minister of Finance William Huper addresses parliamentarians from West Germany, Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Spain and Greece on the need for West European assistance to maintain a pluralistic society. Plus 'Managua-Amsterdam' conference with Dutch universities. TNI associate Anne Koch organises the sessions, which are also able to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to Nicaragua from European farm cooperatives.




Dutch parliamentary conference on Mozambique at the Amsterdam Center. Mozambiquean Foreign Minister briefs delegates and receives a pledge of $20 million in aid.


25 November


Samuel Rubin Seminar: 'Democracy: the American Model' with Michael Rogin (University of California, Berkeley) and Peter Weiss (Center for Constitutional Rights, New York) (new series).


28-39 November


TNI film festival with Amsterdam Movie Theatre Rialto.
28: Opening - discussion between Saul Landau and John Berger
'Que Hacer' (Landau, 1970). On the elections in Chile.
'La Salamandre' (Tanner/Berger). On two writers following the daily life of a young woman.
29: 'Fidel' (Landau). A portrait of Fidel Castro.
'Milieu du monde' (Tanner/Berger). A story of a short relationship between a Swiss businessman and an Italian waitress.
30: 'The Jail' (Landau). A journey through the world of prisoners and guards in a San Franciscan prisoner.
'Jonas' (Tanner/Berger). On the lives of eight people, who will be in their fifties by the year 2000.


10-19 December


Jan Joost Teunissen leads a course on 'International Banking and the Problems of Debt of the Third World' in the frame of the New International Economic Order week in the Netherlands.


11-13 December


3-day seminar and general annual meeting of TIE. Seminar on cooperation between research and action groups and workers' organisations, led by Gigi Pannozzo of the Italian Metal Workers Federation.




TIE Annual General Meeting at the Amsterdam Center. Gigi Pannozzi of the Italian Metalworkers Federation addresses the 35 member groups gathered to review TIE's past work and plan future directions.


TNI fellow Susan George with Nigel Paige publishes Food for Beginners in the Writers and Readers series.


Kevin Moore, for the last year coordinator of the Military and Disarmament project of TNI, leaves the Institute.




The Amsterdam Center, from the IPS 1983 Report