TNI in 1984

In the frame of TNI's Central America Project, 600 signatures of European politicians and parliamentarians are publicised, expressing a strong disagreement with the Reagan Administration's policy on Nicaragua.


17 January


In the frame of TNI's Central America, 600 signatures of European politicians and parliamentarians are publicised, expressing a strong disagreement with the Reagan Administration's policy on Nicaragua. The letter is send to the US house of representatives. The launch of the letter is done by Eveline Herfkens, Dutch MP for the Social Democratic Party.


27-29 January


Conference on "Democracy and the Third World", with Eqbal Ahmad, Solon Barraclough, Eveline Herfkens, Stuart Holland and Saul Landau. The conference is held in De Balie (Center for Theatre, Politics and Literature in Amsterdam) and chaired by Jan Pronk.




Magda Enriquez, member of the board of AMNLAE, Nicaraguan Women's Movement visits the Netherlands on invitation of TNI. Magda is in the prepatory committee for drawing up an election legislation for Nicaragua.


15 April


Lecture series (Samuel Rubin Seminars) 'Another window on the world' starts in Amsterdam. Among others Buchi Emecheta, Salman Rushdie and James Baldwin give lectures. First lecture is by Polish writer, Andrzej Szczypiorski, whose lecture is introduced by John Berger.


2-5 May


Fellows' Meeting


3 May


Film evening with filmmaker Alan Bell. He introduces the evening with a lecture on 'Packaging politics for television'. Shown are: 'We've always done it this way' (Lucas Aerospace workers); 'Borderline' (on South Africa); 'Rule Brittannia' and 'Wise men and the wheel' (on Gandhi).


10-13 May


Images of Third World Women - conference at TNI, coordinated by Wendy Chapkis.


22 June


At a conference in Colombia, 11 Latin American countries again demand a decrease in interest rates. Soon they will not be able to pay any longer.


16 September


Lecture by Buchi Emecheta, 'Another window on the world'.


8 November


Film "Chile. By Reason or by Force" from David Meyer and Helena Solberg Ladd of the International Women's Film Project.


14-18 November


Fellows' Meeting and Planning Board Meeting. Salman Rushdie attends. Basker relays his desire to step down as director and dedicate his energy to his Southern Africa work.


15 November


Marcos Arruda speaks at the KUN (University of Nijmegen) on IMF policy towards Latin America.


2 December


Samuel Rubin Seminar Lecture by James Baldwin, 'Another window on the world' (available on tape).


11 December


Presentation of the report 'A West European answer to the crisis in Central America' by Dutch Labour Party Leader Joop den Uyl in The Hague. The report, drawn up by TNI by Eveline Herfkens is signed/endorsed by 500 European politicians, members of parliament. The press conference draws a lot of media attention.


IPS scholars, led by Richard Barnet, Robert Borosage, John Cavanagh, and Saul Landau, assist in drafting 'Changing Course: Blueprint for Peace in Central America and the Caribbean', used by hundreds of schools, labor unions, churches, and citizen organisations as a challenge to US policy in the region. Along with TNI fellow Fred Halliday's 'The Making of the Second Cold War, Changing Course' it becomes a seminal text for the growing anti-intervention movement in the US.