Digital counterpower Infographics

Social movements, workers and activists are forging new forms of digital counterpower to confront Big Tech as well as all unjust corporate monopolies and undemocratic and coercive states.

Resistance is coming from within Big Tech, confronting not only working conditions but also challenging the ways platforms are being used to support militarism, border violence and unjust regimes.

Digital counter-power: worker's struggles

Digital counterpower is at the heart of the leading international social movements of today.

Digital counter-power: know Black Lives Matter protests around the world
Digital counter-power: digital activism
Digital counter-power: climate protests around the world
Digital counter-power: spread of me too around the world
Every one of those hashtags is a human being. There is a person behind that who is sharing something of themselves that is deeply personal (Tarana Burke, creator of #metoo)

It is also leading to increased moves towards regulation, including the Digital Markets Act in Europe and major anti-trust lawsuits in the US. These are so far deeply inadequate but mark a turning point from the free rein that Big Tech has been given until now.

Beginnings of regulation of big tech
The time to organise is now... a lot of people are like, 'you don't like the job, just quit'. But that doesn't change the system... I tell them to sign it for the next person' Christian Smalls, Amazon Labor Union

For more on activist strategies to counter digital power, read 'Tying up Goliath' in this year's State of Power report