Global Crises, Global Resistance Building Alternatives with the Global South

Event date:
, - CET
Maison des Associations Internationales, Rue Washington 40, Brussels

After the Covid-19 pandemic, the severe, multidimensional, and structural crises afflicting the world have only deepened, especially in the Global South. The war in Ukraine and its consequences continue to challenge most economies, but in the Global South, they are compounded by a persistent debt crisis and a climate emergency these countries have done little to cause.


Fortunately, these crises are facing resistance everywhere. With a deteriorating multilateralism and a changing world order, it is up to the movements to question and re-shape global governance. To envision a future centred on peoples’ needs and a healthy planet, we need to share analyses, join struggles, think of alternatives and a common agenda together, overcoming Eurocentric, fragmented and allegedly technical approaches.

Bridging four continents, and co-organised by the Transnational Institute, CADTM and The Left group in the European Parliament, this international conference is a space to build convergences, an invitation to a critical and holistic perspective on these multiple interconnected crises. 


French, English and Spanish

Speakers and panelists

  • Dottie Guerrero

    AEPF/ Global Justice Now (Philippines/UK)

  • Broulaye Bagayoko

    CADTM Afrique (Mali)

  • Tarcísio Motta

    MP PSOL (Brazil)

  • Rityusha Tiwary

    University of Delhi (India)

  • Wim Moyaert

    Boerenforum / Via Campesina (Flandres, Belgium)

  • Miguel Urbán

    MEP The Left (Spain)