Livestock, livelihoods and climate justice What is the future of animal agriculture?

Event date:
, - CET

We all know that industrial livestock farming is destroying our ecosystems and damaging the climate. But does that mean going vegan is the only way to save the planet?

Not all meat and milk is created equal, and traditional communities around the world raise animals in very different ways, with hugely different environmental impacts.

A discussion on the environmental impacts of different kinds of animal agriculture, and what this means for our thinking about livestock, livelihoods and climate justice.


  • Ian Scoones, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
  • Fernando García-Dory, World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Pastoralists (WAMIP)
  • Kirtana Chandrasekaran, Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)

Moderator: Katie Sandwell, Transnational Institute