Convergence assembly: trade, investment, climate change and corporate power

John Hilary, Diana Aguiar and Brid Brennan discuss how we need to move beyond reformist politics in a convergence of citizens, organised citizens, organisations social movements, trade unionists, peasants, women organisations, and indigenous peoples to reclaim sovereignty over the resources of the planet. 

Brid Brennan interviewed at the Climate Summit 2015 in Paris

“Trade, investment, climate change and corporate power”

This was the name of a convergence assembly that took place on Tuesday in Paris, in the framework of the “Climate Action Zone”, where activities parallel to the UN COP 21 on climate change are taking place.

The assembly was organized by the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power, the Transnational Institute of the Netherlands, Friends of the Earth International and ATTAC France, among several other groups.

TNI of the Netherlands and Real World Radio are sharing a short video with three interviews with important participants of the assembly, John Hilary, Executive Director of War on Want (Britain), Brid Brennan, from the Transnational Institute (Netherlands) and Diana Aguiar, from FASE (Brazil).

The links between fossil fuel addiction and war, the need to look at the systemic roots and the policies of the crises and “revolutions” to face them, the “militarized corporate capture” of the planet, are some of the issues analyzed by the interviewees.