Taking Health Back from Corporations Webinar recording

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This webinar brought together experts in healthcare and activists at the forefront of struggles for equitable universal public healthcare from across the globe. It examined the obstacles to access to medicines, the role of Big Pharma, the struggles against health privatisation, and the required changes in global governance of health to prevent future pandemics and bring about public healthcare for all.


Video by

  • Mónica Vargas
  • David Legge
  • Kajal Bhardwaj
  • Mark Heywood
  • Baba Aye


  • Susan George, Author and President of the Transnational Institute
  • Baba Aye, Health Officer, Public Services International
  • Mark Heywood, Treatment Action Campaign, Section27 and editor at the Daily Maverick
  • Kajal Bhardwaj, Independent lawyer and expert on health, trade and human rights
  • David Legge, Peoples Health Movement


Monica Vargas, Corporate Power Project, Transnational Institute

This webinar was organised by TNI and co-sponsored by the Alternative Information & Development Centre (AIDC), South Africa, Focus on the Global South, Asia, the People's Health Movement (PHM), Public Services International (PSI), RedLAM-Red Latinoamericana Acceso a Medicamentos, ABIA-Brazilian AIDS Interdisciplinary Association, GTIP/Rebrip-Working Group on Intelectual Property, Geneva Global Health Hub (G2H2), Corporate Accountability International (CAI), and Global Justice Now (GJN).