NADPI New Approaches in Drug Policy & Interventions

NADPI aims to strengthen the evidence base of European drug policy making by expanding the knowledge base and exchanging best practices on a number of key policy dilemmas related to demand reduction, prevention and harm reduction strategies.

More specifically, the project aims to:

  • bring technical detail into the policy debate to ensure that choices are evidence-based and outcomes pragmatic and constructive
  • strengthen collaboration between authorities, public services and NGOs in the region and to facilitate civil society involvement in the implementation of the EU Drug Strategy and Action Plan.

A series of expert seminars and informal drug policy dialogues will be organised, bringing together experts from academia, governmental agencies, international organisations and NGOs, to address some of the most challenging drug policy dilemmas on the European agenda.

The main themes on which the project focusses:

  • the European stimulants market, more specifically the development of dependence risk reduction strategies to prevent problematic cocaine use patterns and the development of policy responses to better manage changes in the stimulants market occurring due to the appearance of new psychoactive substances
  • the changing landscape of EU drug policy making following the Lisbon treaty
  • options to redefine the role of law enforcement in synergy with a health and harm reduction policy framework
  • the costs and benefits of existing and potential future cannabis regulations model.

This project is a continuation of an initiative by IDPC and TNI 'Evaluation and prospects of international drug control'.



This project has been executed with the financial assistance of the Drug Prevention and Information Programme (DPIP) of the European Union and the Open Society Foundations (OSF). The contents of this project are the sole responsibility of TNI and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the donors.