Satoko Kishimoto

Satoko Kishimoto was an environmental activist and active in the youth environmental movement in Japan in the 1990s. She began working with TNI in 2003, at the time of 3rd World Water Forum held in Kyoto, Japan. She started the water justice project in TNI to seek Alternatives to Water Privatisation. She is the co-founder of the Reclaiming Public Water (RPW) Network which was created as a result of the book 'Reclaiming Public Water: Achievements, struggles and visions from around the world' in 2005. Lately she engages with joint research and advocacy on remunicipalisation in water sector and other public services. She edited the book Our Public Water Future: The global experience with remunicipalisation (2015) and Reclaiming Public Services: How cities and citizens are turning back privatisation (2017).