About drug law reform in Paraguay

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In Paraguay, a new drug law in 1988 exempted from punishment those in possession of a maximum of 2 grams of cocaine or heroin and 10 grams of marijuana for personal consumption.


About about drug law reform in paraguay

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In Paraguay, a new drug law in 1988 exempted from punishment those in possession of a maximum of 2 grams of cocaine or heroin and 10 grams of marijuana for personal consumption.


Law N° 1.340, Art. 30:  

“Whoever possesses substances detailed in this Law, prescribed by a doctor, or whoever possessed them exclusively for personal consumption, will be exempted from punishment.  […]

Drug users’ exclusive personal use will be determined by the amount of substance in possession equivalent to what is considered a daily dosage, as determined by the Forensic Doctor and a specialized Doctor designated by the Social Welfare and Public Health Ministry and another by the defendant, at his/her own cost, if so requested.

In the case of marijuana this shall not surpass 10 grams and in the case of cocaine, heroine, and other opiates, 2 grams.”